Chapter Thirteen

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My head snapped up when Mattia accused me of being in love with Kairi. I had a shocked expression on my face, but he seemed completely casual.

"In love?"

"You heard me" he said, moving closer to me. A part of me wanted to move closer to him, but I stayed where I was.

"Of course we're not in love, why would you ask that?" I answered.

"You guys have history" he shrugged.


Suddenly his hands rested on my waist, pinning me back against the wall. His jaw was clenched, and I felt him applying force on my hips.

"Don't give me attitude" he whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips. A smirk played on my lips as the expression on his face grew more serious.

"Or what?"

Without warning, his hand made its way through the leg slit my dress had. His fingers grazed my inner thigh, and he kept looking directly at me.

"Why are you teasing" I said, my breath beginning to increase. He didn't bother answering my question, instead, he started kissing my neck down to my collarbone, leaving hickeys.

"I'm still fucking mad at you" he murmured. His fingers moved my underwear to a side, enabling him to get full access. He started rubbing me in circles as I arched my back from the pleasure.

"You have a funny way of showing it" I said as a soft moan slipped out my mouth. Then, Mattia pulled away, letting go of me completely and taking a step back. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes.

"Are you kidding me?"

He gave me a tight lipped smile and pointed towards the door.

"I told you I'm still mad, anyway there's a party"

And with that, he made his way outside to the garden. I watched him leave in disbelief, before regaining my composure and joining everyone else.

"Are you guys good?"

Vic had snuck up behind me, making me jump. I nodded my head, but before I could tell her anything else, we were joined by another figure.

"Hey El"

Kairi was standing with his hands in his pockets, an awkward smile on his face.

"Hey Kairi" I said, rubbing my hands nervously.

"Can we talk?"

I caught sight of Mattia who was looking at Kairi with anger. He needed any excuse to start a fight.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now, but enjoy the party" I said quickly, before walking over to where Mattia was.

"So I take it we're good?" I said. He kept staring at Kairi, watching his every move as if he was planning something. I nudged his shoulder to get his attention.

"Yeah we're good baby, I'm mad at him"

I held onto his hand, resting my head on his shoulder. His body was tense even though all Kairi was doing was looking at his phone. But it took anything for Mattia to become angry.

"Let's go find Mia and Axel" I said, pulling him away. I saw them both sitting poolside, playing with Leo. Both Axel and Leo were one years old, I had no doubt that they'd be best friends when older.

"Do you know what Cassidy did?" I asked Mattia. He looked down at me with furrowed brows, shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Mia came to me when you guys arrived, and it looked like she was crying"

Just as I thought, it only took a split second for Mattia to become angry. It wasn't even the fact that Cassidy had said or done something, it was the fact that his daughter was crying.

"What the fuck?" He let go of my hand and walked over to Mia, picking her up and bringing her back to where we were stood.

"Papa I was playing" she whined, trying to wriggle out of his arms. But Mattia held onto her and tried to speak to her.

"Mia listen" he said firmly, watching as Mia suddenly stopped squirming in his arms and sat still.

"What did Cassidy say to you, baby?" I asked, smoothing down her dress. She hesitated at first but Mattia offered a listening ear, and she cupped her hand over her mouth before whispering to him. I saw his eyes go wide and he set her down on the ground before taking my hand and leading me out the garden and into the house.

"Calm down, Mattia" I said, taking my hand back. He looked frustrated as he ran his hands through his hair numerous times.

"She called her a bitch"

My hand flew to my mouth when he told me. I didn't understand how someone could be so cruel towards an innocent seven year old.

"You have to fix this" I said after a silence.

"What? Why?"

"You brought her to the party, now you have to get rid of her" I argued. He let out a sigh and walked back outside. I followed him out waiting to hear about what he was going to do.

"Let's go see if she's still at the front if the house" he said, taking my hand again. We walked to the front but quickly hid behind a wall when we saw Kairi was already talking to her.

"I think she's waiting for a cab" I whispered. I stood behind Mattia, keeping one hand on his arm.

We watched them for a while, until the cab arrived and we saw Kairi hand Cassidy $20. My mouth dropped open as we put the pieces together.

"Did he.." Mattia started.

"Plan all this? Yeah I think so too"

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