The Mall

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"Kara, Kara wake up"

Kara groaned softly and looked around to see that she was on the couch, she batted Lenas hands away and turned around.


"I guess you don't want to go outside today then"

Kara immediately sat up and sped up the stairs, getting ready in a matter of 10 seconds and coming back downstairs with a huge smile on her face.

Lena chuckled softly and gave Kara a really quick kiss, not knowing when Alex would come back out, but not wanting to risk it.

Kara wasn't having any of that though and pulled Lena back in for a longer kiss, causing her to blush.

"Kara, not now"

Sighing softly, Kara pulled away from Lena and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar, too excited to eat any real food.

Alex walked out of the room and held out her hand to Kara.

"Ready to go?"

Kara nodded and held Alex's hand, walking outside with her.

"You see that little walking trail across the street?"

Kara hummed and looked up at where Alex was pointing, acknowledging the path.

"We're going to walk through there, you're going to see a few other people, none of them are a threat okay?"

Kara nodded again and smiled softly.

"Those are street lights, you have to wait for your turn to go, so right now we're waiting for cars to go by, never walk in front of a car okay?"


Alex smiled and only crossed the street once it was safe, still holding Karas hands.

"There's a few apple trees along this path too, feel free to pick one"

Kara hummed in acknowledgment and looked around the path, already noticing a few people jogging, and biking, but they were just minding their business.

As they walked further into the path, a man started to approach them, causing Kara to tense up.

"Luthor, Danvers, How are you- Who is this gorgeous woman?"

"Her names Kara, she's new in town"

Kara smiled and waved at the man, whispering to Alex.

"He called me gorgeous"

Alex laughed softly and whispered back.

"I know that Kara"

"Listen Matthews, why don't you just move along and let us continue our walk okay?"

Mike tilted his head at Lena and gave her a passive aggressive smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was disturbing you"

"You always are, you're a pest"

"Takes one to know one doesn't it?"

Kara furrowed her eyebrows at the two, looking up at Alex for answers.

"They don't like each other, but I promise he's really not a threat"

Kara nodded and cleared her throat, stopping the conversation before it escalated.

It seemed to work because Mike stopped talking and turned to look at Kara.

"I'm sorry, I'm being quite rude aren't I? My name is Mike, Mike Matthews, and you are a very beautiful woman, would you like to be friends?"

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