Kara Zor-El

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"Dr. Luthor!"


Lena stood up from the ground, dusting herself off and looking around the dark cave, she walked around until she noticed a glowing light.

"What could that be?"

Walking closer to the light Lena gasped, there was a beautiful woman floating in a crystal vessel, but why would she be down here?

Lena walked even closer to the vessel, only backing up when the strange woman awoke.

"Vikh Dedh, Khup I Zhao"

The woman spoke, gently tracing Lenas face with her fingers.

Lena stood star struck, this woman obviously didn't speak English, maybe she understood it.

"Who are you?"

Lena stumbled back when the woman started to come out of the vessel, walking towards her.

"You're not going to hurt me are you?"

The woman tilted her head in confusion, grabbing Lenas hand and flying them out of the cave.

Lena squinted and covered her eyes from the sunlight, looking around for Jess.

"Jess! Call Dr.Danvers!"

Jess ran over to Lena, putting a hand on her shoulder in concern.

"Oh thank goodness, are you okay? Who's this?"

"I'm fine Jess, and I don't know, ow, Hey!"

Lena looked down to see that the strange woman now had her hand in a bone crushing grip, she looked up and saw that she was glaring at Jess.

"I- could you please get in contact with Dr. Danvers?"

Jess nodded and went to get Lenas laptop, video chatting Dr. Danvers.

"Hey Lu- Jess? Where's Luthor?"

"Um she's over by the cave, she kind of found something- well someone"

"What? Who'd she find?"

Lena walked into the frame, holding hands with the strange woman she found.

"You know Kryptonian right?"

"Yes... why?"

"Who or What is Zhao?"

"Wait a minute, who's that woman? Is that a Kryptonian?"

"I would believe so, she flew me out of that cave earlier"

Lena watched as Alex looked through a bunch of books until she stopped on one.

"The book of Kara Zor-El says that the whole reason krypton was destroyed was because of Zhao, Kara was a very powerful princess, she single handedly annihilated planet krypton to save the goddess of prosperity Luthessa and went into hiding, she'll only awaken at the sight of her true love, if this is true, then you've found the most dangerous-"

Alex stopped talking when the Kryptonian walked into the frame and grabbed Lenas hand, smiling brightly into the camera.

"Yeah, no way she's that dangerous, I mean look at her"

Lena looked over at the woman and smiled softly.

"So do I just call her Kara?"

Once she said it the woman looked over at her, tilting her head.

"So it is her, maybe you should study up on the Kryptonian language"


Lena raised an eyebrow at the Kryptonian.

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