Stacks Of Pancakes

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Lena sighed softly, another night of watching the sun come up.

She looked down to see Kara staring right back up at her.

"How long have you been awake?"

"I could hear your heartbeat in my sleep, it never changed, you never went to sleep"

"Yeah I kind of don't do that"

"Or eat, you overwork yourself too"

"It's too early for a scolding Kara"

"It's not healthy to do that, you should get some sleep."

"No, I have too much work to do, I'll sleep later"

"You're not going to eat either?"


"Go to sleep."

"No thanks, but you should go downstairs, I can smell pancakes already"

"I will not eat until you've gone to sleep."

"Well I guess you're going to starve then babe"

Kara huffed softly and got up from bed, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Lena closed her eyes and sunk back into the pillows, pressing a button that closes all the blinds, making it completely dark in the room.

When Kara came back out she was completely in awe of the sudden darkness.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"I am, only until you're done with your breakfast, and since I know that's not gonna take long, I don't see the harm in resting my eyes for a few seconds."

Kara grinned softly and ran downstairs, making sure to close the door before she did.
"Well good morning their sunshine, you seem happy"

"Lena said she was going to sleep."

Alex put her coffee down and tilted her head.

"Luthor hasn't slept in a day in her life"

Kara furrowed her eyebrows and sat down at the table.

"She was asleep when I left her?"

Alex handed Kara a plate stacked with pancakes and drenched with syrup.

"You really are going to change things around here aren't you?"

Kara just shrugged and said a quick "thank you" before digging into her pancakes.

Alex just laughed and took a sip of her coffee, continuing to read her book.

Once Kara finished she put her plate in the sink and washed her hands, hesitating to go upstairs.

"Are you afraid of the stairs too or?"

"I just don't want to wake her up by going upstairs"

"She's probably awake anyways, you're fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go up there and see"

Kara nodded and walked up the stairs, slowly opening the bedroom door and listening for Lenas heartbeat.

She was awake.

"I was wondering when you would come back up here sweetheart"

Kara blushed at the nickname and closed the door behind her.

"Did you sleep long?"

"I slept long enough, got up and then laid back down"

"You smell of..."

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