Exes and Ohs

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"I might just have to put my puppy on a leash if she keeps running away from me like this."

Kara peeked from behind the tree, giggling at Lena, they were on a walk together, her first walk since she'd been kidnapped, it took her awhile, but soon she was running freely through the small orchard, bouncing from tree to tree and purposefully hiding from Lena every chance she got.

And Lena absolutely adored it.

"Hmm, I wonder where she went this time."

Lena pretended to look around, although she saw the blonde out the corner of her eye a few moments prior.

"Is she over here?"

She hummed, looking behind a tree that Kara was nowhere near.

"Or maybe she's over... here!"


Kara squealed, not expecting Lena to pop up behind her, she quickly shielded her stomach from the scientists tickle attack, her face turning red from laughing.



Lena hummed and pressed Kara back against the tree, holding her hands down while she did so.

"Is my puppy ticklish?"


Kara nodded, lightly licking her lips while her eyes locked on Lenas eyes.

"Do you want to go check out that food cart over there?"

Kara nodded again but blushed when Lena connected their lips in a sensual kiss, she nearly melted against the tree and had squeeze Lenas hands a few times to give her a signal.

"Alright, okay, come on my love."

Lena smiled and led Kara towards the food cart, she gave a polite greeting to the vendor and looked over the cardboard menu.

"See anything you want honey?"


"A churro? is that all?"

"I think so?"

"Okay my lovely, ehm, can I get two churros, and a fruit cup?"

"Yes ma'am."

The vendor smiled at the couple and prepared their food, sitting it to the side while putting together the price.

"That'll be seven dollars even."

Lena handed him a ten dollar bill and grabbed their things, thanking the vendor and walking back towards the orchard path with Kara.

"These are for you."

She said while handing Kara the churros, she opened her fruit cup and popped a piece of pineapple in her mouth, giggling when the juice dripped down her lips.

"Honey can you hold this while I get a-"

Kara cut her off by leaning down and licking the juice off her bottom lip, sucking on it gently before kissing Lena all together.

It caught the scientist off guard but she just smiled and slowly pulled away.

"Ehm, thanks honey."

Kara nodded, kissing Lenas forehead with a smile, then she dug into her churros, practically inhaling them before they could even get to the middle of the orchard.

"Hey Lena!"

Lena turned around and smiled politely, although the feeling in her stomach was far from nice.

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