Here For You

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"Kara, I know you can hear me, you said you didn't kill, you said you didn't harm people, so why on earth would you let someone as stupid as Matthews ruin that for you."

"Oh God, Lena, look"

Lena looked to where Alex was pointing, gasping at what she saw.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, Kara!"

Both women ran over to Mikes house, the door was wide open and they heard a bunch of crashing from inside.

"Okay, okay, you go get your gun, or help, I got this."


"I know Alex, but if anybody can help her it's me."

"Just be careful okay? I can't lose both of you."

Lena gave her a soft smile and nodded.

"I'll be careful I promise."

Alex patted her shoulder and ran back to their house, leaving Lena to find out what was going on herself.

"Khap tulim chai rrup"

I will kill you.

Is what Lena heard, though she had never heard Kara speak like this before, it was a chilling tone, a steel tone, the sentence left no room for doubt, that worried her because it could only mean one thing.

She was serious.

Carefully walking further into the house, Lena remembered that last time she was here, Kara was downstairs.

She walked downstairs as quietly as she could, having to shield her eyes from the glow of the room.

Much different than the last time she came here, it was far from bright, dark, gloomy, but it still had that retched chemical smell.

"I knew you had it in you to kill my sweet little Kryptonian, but the thing is, I have complete control over you, I've implanted myself in your mind, in fact, if I was to, I don't know, turn off these lights?"

Suddenly the lights when off, the room only lit by Karas glow which soon began to fade.

But how?

"That's a good alien, we both know you wouldn't kill me, you belong to me now, you ran from Lena, she wouldn't want you back, she hates you, but me, I'll take care of you, you will never be a burden in my life, I truly love you Kara Zor El."

Kara started to walk towards the man, she wasn't sure why, maybe she wanted to strangle him, maybe it was because a part of her almost believed him, but then she saw something in the corner of her eye that made her come back to her senses.


Lena nodded and put a finger to her lips, she did not need this psycho to know she was here.

"Yes that is correct, I love you, come closer Kara, let me inject you with the serum that will link you to me forever, side effects include, murdering Lena Luthor."

Kara panicked because she couldn't see the color of the syringe he was holding, instead of coming closer she backed away, the fear she felt a week ago repeating itself over and over until she hit a wall, her back sliding down as she sobbed lightly, he had her now, there was nowhere to go.

Matthews stood up and walked over to Kara, kneeling down next to her.

"I would just love to have you with me forever, we could make everyone pay for what they've done to us, we could destroy everyone on earth, starting with Lena."

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