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Kara quickly withdrew her hands and put them behind her back, looking down at the floor.


"What is that? What do you have?"

Kara shook her head and put the item in her back pocket, holding her hands up to show Lena.

"I'm not stupid Kara, what did you have?"

"Nothing! Is Alex back yet?"

"No she's not, don't try and change the subject, what was that?"

Kara ignored Lena and walked out of the kitchen, trying to go to the stairs but Lena pulled her back by her belt loop.

"Why do you have scissors?"

"I just wanted to play with them, I'm bored"

"You can't just play with my scissors, they can cut through fossils"

"But I-"

"Give them to me"

Kara sighed in defeat and pulled the scissors from her pocket, Lena winced when she realized she grabbed them from the blade instead of the handle, it sliced her skin but she didn't bleed.


"I'm giving them to you, why are you raising your voice?"

"You have to be careful Kara, you could've hurt yourself"

Lena carefully grabbed the scissors and walked into the living room to put them away, as soon as she turned her back she heard a wooshing sound and a gust of wind made her hair fly in her face, she turned around and her eyes widened.

"Kara put that down"

"What is this?"

"Put it down!"

Kara put down the gun, crossing her arms in frustration.

"You won't let me touch anything, and you're always yelling at me, I'm starting to dislike you"


Kara walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, putting some shoes on.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I want to explore"

"You can't explore without one of us with you"

"I hate it here"


"No! You don't get to sweet talk me out of this, I'm not a child, I could destroy this whole earth with one hand movement"

Lena raised an eyebrow and tilted her head at Kara, her eyes were starting to glow but they were purple instead of blue like usual.

"Give me a pen"

Karas face softened immediately.


"Give me. A pen"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said, I love you, you know that, you're everything to me"

"I understand that honey, now give me a pen or I'll grab it myself"

Kara grabbed a pen and hesitantly gave it to Lena, losing the glow in her eyes.

Lena grabbed her Kryptonian book and wrote dangerous under her name, she made sure Kara saw it too.

"It'll leave when you get your behavior together"

Kara nodded softly and hid her face from Lena, pulling her shoes off.

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