Day 5

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Lena sat up slowly and turned to look at Kara, humming softly.

"It hurts Zhao"

"What hurts sweetheart?"

Kara sat up, teary eyed, shaking, and pulled up her short, pointing to where her scar was and then her head, and then just ended up sobbing in Lenas arms about how her whole body felt like it was trying to kill her.

"Oh honey, stay here okay? Let me go get your medicine"

Kara let out a desperate whimper, clinging tightly to Lena, sobbing harder.

"Sokao zhadif awuhkh khap"


Kara shook her head against Lenas stomach, gripping her shirt as tightly as she could.

"But sweetheart, you're in pain"

Lena sighed softly, and tried to pry herself away from the Kryptonian but that didn't work even for a second.

"How about I take you with me, do you want to do that?"

Kara nodded against her stomach and Lena was finally able to lift up from the bed, she quickly pressed the sobbing woman down into the pillow when she tried to follow after her.



"Hey, calm down, It'll only take a minute"

Kara buried her face in the pillow and continued to sob, giving Lena the opportunity to leave the room and go into her office to grab the small bottle of pills.

When she gathered everything that she needed, Lena walked back into the bedroom, dimmed the lights and sat next to her shivering Kryptonian, who hadn't even realized she'd returned.


Kara looked up at Lena, her blue eyes shining through, her tear stained cheeks bright and red.

"Oh you poor thing, I'm going to make you feel so much better, I promise"

Kara nodded and almost jumped up at the sight of the small pills, but Lena quickly held her down.

"Easy there sweetheart, stick your tongue out for me?"

She did so immediately and held still while the small tablet was pressed against her tongue, it was different from the other ones, dissolving more quickly and not having that bad of an aftertaste.

Lena gently placed her hand behind Karas head to lift it up so she could drink her water, the last thing she wanted was for her to choke.

After drinking most of the water, Kara couldn't bare sitting up anymore, her head fell back against the pillows and her face scrunched up in discomfort, she tugged on Lenas shirt, trying to pull her back down to where she was before.

Lena laid down but sat up against the pillows so that Kara could bury her face into her stomach, she smiled softly and stroked through her hair, lightly scratching her hair to try and coax her back to sleep.

It seemed to work rather quickly because soon, Kara was sound asleep, Lena never stopped her movements though, even when she started to drift off to sleep herself, she knew how touch starved Kara was, and if it meant her hand being cramped or sore in the morning, it was worth it for her, it would always be worth it for her.
Lena sighed when she realized she had woken up first, she didn't want to move because Kara was still cuddled up against her stomach, and she would just hate to disturb her painless sleep.

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