Chapter 9

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Breeze's POV

Laying down on the fluffy mattress in this warehouse Abel has taken me to , I finally understand what a POV is . It was something odd but I enjoyed it .
Turning over on my side , I see Abel on his phone smiling . He's so beautiful & enticing , it melts my soul .

" why you staring at me like that ?" He asks still engaged in his phone .

" I can't look at you ?"

" I just wanna know why. That's all."

" you're something different ."

" I know ." He says with a straight face . Cocky maybe ? Like damn . Grabbing my clothes , I began getting dressed not even looking at Abel . Hearing my phone ring I reach over across Abel & see its a text from my friend Bitd . Bird is a vampire as well , but he's a special type of vampire , he's almost like a ghost .

Bird: It's been over 3 days . Are you still with him in that haunted house ?

Me : yeah . We've been in this ware house just fucking for days . It's amazing .

Bird : ugh . No need for details . But in other news , you're a cold hearted bitch .

Me : that's nothing new darling.

Bird : still can't believe you're doing this to your ' friend ' . She's a sweet girl .

Me: blah blah . Do me a favor and shove some garlic up her ass , behead her , do whatever , kill her .

Bird: why ? You said nothing about murder , I'm not murdering her .

Me: would you do it for $150,000?

Bird: she'll be dead by next week .

Throwing my phone on the mattress and struggling to put my jeans on , I tap Abel to get his attention.

" love , we need to go . "

" don't call me that & why ? "

" I have to go do something . " I say ignoring his comment about me calling him love.

" can't you just teleport wherever you need to go ?"

" no I can't ."

" why not ? Rina can ." Lashing out I grab him by his neck and began talking calmly.

" I am not Rina , I am Breeze Diamond . Don't you ever fucking compare me to her , do you get me ?" I say releasing my grasp on his neck. Sooner than later , tears start to form in my eyes & they began falling from my eye to the floor .

" why are you crying ?"

" I love you , more than anything in this godforsaken world ."


Rina's POV

Finally escaping that damn place I was held captive in , I run as fast as I can until I'm far away from there . Teleporting back to the parking lot , I walk back to my apartment . I unlock the door and plop down on the couch and examine the bite marks I received from that strange girl who reminded me of the Sariyah for some reason . Sariyah was the queen of the underworld until some strange time ago she was turned into stone and smashed into pieces .. But I don't think it was actually her , I might have been dreaming .

Myth has it that if you were ever to be bitten by Sariyah you'd become more powerful and stronger than you were before , caused by her power from her saliva seeping into your blood . You may even become the new queen or king , but that was waaay back then , she's non existent . That could never even happen honestly. Snapping me out my thoughts I hear the door burst open & it's my mother .

" well well well , look who decided to shows up after 3 fucking days . Where's that retard?"

" hello to you to mom ."

" where's Breeze ?"

" who knows ."

" you gonna knock that stank bitch in a wall when you see her ?"

" why would I do that ?" I say confusingly .

" she had you kidnapped and held hostage for 3 days so you won't interfere with her and that boy !"

" how did you know ?"

" I know every damn thing ."

" if you knew why didn't you help me ?"

" because it's time for you to figure out shit on your own and learn how to handle situations yourself ." She says sitting down sipping her drink . " if you were in any real danger I would have came to help you . I may have not been the best mother when you needed me but I'd never intentionally hurt you Rina . You know this ."

" yes mother , I know . " I say exhaustingly .

" come here . How about we have a girls day out , just the two of us . We can go get our hair done & all that girl shit . I wanna make up for the time I wasn't a mother to you ." Looking at her can see the sincerity in her voice and eyes .

" I mean although you don't need it . You look vibrant and radiant , what the hell did they do to you there ?"

" nothing actually , but I did get bitten by this girl , she kinda looked like Sariyah mom.. "

" that's girls been wiped off the face of the earth for years . Probably just some drugs they gave you and you didn't realize it . If you start to feel different , tell me ."


Sitting down on the cushion while mother tries on these udderly high shoes .

" what do you think about these ? " she says twirling around , keeping her balance .

" those are really cute . But aren't they a little to high ? "

" I been higher , These shoes ain't sit ." She says laughing . I giggle & shake my head . Paying for our shoes and clothes , we head to sonic down the street from the mall .

" Rina .."

" yes ?" I say parking and looking at the menu. It's so weird how they have the menues on a big podium instead of giving them to you .

" let me see your arm ." I stretch my arm over the arm rest and order two sonic bacon cheeseburgers , boneless honey wings and 2 fruit punch icees . I pay for our food and look at my mom as she looks horrified .

" you said you got bitten ... I don't see anything ." I look down to see where the where the bite mark was on my once pale but now tan and radiant skin . Nothing , as it if healed by itself .

" do you feel powerful or stronger ?"

" no , I feel fine ."

" here's your food ma'am ." The girl on roller skates said causing me to jump .

" thank you ."

"No probelm. Have a good day ." She says as she rolls away . Digging in to our food my mother began to talk about the bite mark .

" I don't know what happened but I did have a bite mark mom ."

" I believe you .. Let's just hope for the best ." Eating in silence , my phone vibrates and I see its Breeze . I answer and she immediately starts talking .

" good job Sherlock , you escaped without anybody knowing . "

" why are you doing this ? I thought we were friends ."

" there ain't no friends in the mortal or immortal world . Better get that in your head girly ."

" watch your fucking back ." I say hanging up the phone and continuing to eat my food .

" whoop her ass Rina . I never liked her ."

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