Chapter 21

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Angel's POV

Anya hasn't been back home in a few days and I'm getting worried . I know Hyghly wouldn't hurt her but still , she's my twin & I don't want her to get hurt over anything anybody did . Breeze isn't making shit any better with her constant nagging and crying about Abel won't talk to her , she's lucky I don't just disappear like Anya . I'm so sick of these people , all they do is lie and interrupt your masturbating session and bitch . I think shaking my head . My phone starts to ring & I look at my phone and see its Rose , Rose is this lady I met when I was skateboarding around with my friend Jaden . She's pretty as hell , she's skinny tho but she reminds me of one of those exotic looking cats from Persia. 

" hey baby wassup." I say putting in my earphones. Her voice always soothed me when I was having a bad day . I didn't believe in love but I do believe we were put here on earth to love. "Hi honey . What you up to ?" She cooed in the phone . Rose is in her mid twenties and the way she treats me as if I'm her age is very relaxing because to her I'm not a 17 year old boy although im tall for my age , she treats me like an adult , like a man .

" just laying down thinking about you baby." I say as my hands started to roam down my basketball shorts .

" Angel stop touching yourself , do you wanna hang out today? Art Basel is going on and I wanted to go to the Tazs house of Angels , it's gonna be so fun." She says.  " yeah baby . What time is it starting ?"

"Around 3:30 4pm. Then afterwards we could do whatever you wanted." She says .

" sounds cool . Give me an hour to get ready & I'll pick you up ok?"

" alright babe. See you then."

" Aight boo." I hang up and take out my headphones and walk into my closet to see what will I be dazzling in for tonight . I wanna dress casual but not to casual , but I didn't wanna over dress . It was kinda cool today to be on then west coast , I look in my closet and see a pair of ripped jeans light blue jeans and I throw them on my bed and look for a shirt to match . I need something that screams 'I use to be the Weeknd's son but I'm not anymore but I'm still cool' .

I walk down the hall to Breeze and Abel's room .. Or just Breeze's room cause Abel doesn't even sleep in there any more . He sleeps in the pool house with Rina and Aileen . Atleast we know she's his . Twisting the knob I walk in to the master bedroom and head for the closet hoping some of Abel's clothes are still here . I go to his side and see xo chains , Armani and Alexander wang suits , silk Italian button downs and everything else extravagant he owns . I pick out this black and gold Versace button down that I seen online on the Versace store but it was like $600 not including shipping so I just cried myself to sleep . I take it off the hanger and carry it with me to the pool house to ask Abel if it was cool if I wore it for today , he's been really weird around me lately since we both found we have no relation to eachother . I haven't even talked to Lamar .

Walking pass the pool into the pool house I knock before entering . I see Rina (Anya) , Aileen & Abel .

"Jelly!!" Aileen says running over to me hugging me leg. "hey leelee" I say picking her up and kissing her cheek. "How's my favorite girl?" 
" I thought I was your favorite girl?" Anya says.

"Don't be salty honey." I say putting down Aileen. I look at Abel and see he's puffing on his cigar . " uh , hey dad- Abel . Is it okay if I wear this today ? I'll dry clean before giving it back." I say . I don't know why I'm nervous now . Maybe it's cause he's so weird around me now .

" sure ." He says not even looking at me . He ashes out his cigar and walks towards the back . " uh , thanks . Um don't tell Breeze where I'm at."

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