Chapter 16

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Its been 2 months since I've been in contact with anybody . No club appearances , no studio time , I Barely even shower or eat, Everything I do reminds me of her . I dare not even say her name cause I'll just cry till my eyes swell shut again . This is my punishment for the way I treated her that day when we were all in the car and I started changing and I yelled at her , this is all my fuckin fault ... I look at the projecting screen as it plays a slide show of pictures and videos of me and Rina, soon my eyes began to blur because of the tears . im so tired of crying I just wanna sleep forever .


"Daddy wake up .... da da wake up." A little hand touches my face and begins to gently pat me awake . I slowly open my eyes to see a little girl with wild curly brown hair looking up at me .

" da da something wrong with mommy." Who child is this and where the fuck am I ? I fell asleep in my apartment in Vegas but now I'm in a house in Cali ? I look out the floor to ceiling window and see the palm trees swaying back and forth , I walk over to the window to see a boy and a girl down by the pool laughing . The boy looks up , calls out to me and starts running towards the house . I don't know if I should run as well or stay here because now I'm scared, I don't know where I'm at and who these kids are; this little one pulling me to God knows where is to lightskin to be mine , I'm African ain't nobody in my family got green eyes.

We finally emerged to a room and the door is cracked . I looked down at the little girl and put my finger up to my lips indicating her that she needs to be quiet . She nods her head as I peak in to the crack and see Breeze crying in her hands on the desk . I slowly open the door farther and walk in , the little girl follows behind me hugging on to my leg .

" mommy Breeze look !" She says giggling "didn't mommy Breeze say go play-" as breeze looks up her eyes get big and soon tears start to escape .

" Daddy's up !" She says holding on to my leg tighter . She really need to stop calling me that , I'm nobody's daddy around here but Breeze's . "Abel oh my fuck .. When did you wake up ?" She scrambles around from the desk and wraps her short frame around my torso. I caress her back and calm her down as she's sobbing in my chest . I look down to see light bright shimmying and dancing with a plant which causes me to chuckle a little . I mouth the words what are you doing to her while still holding in my laughter .

" Move, I hug him first !!" I hear a deep voice say. Aw shit those must be the two from down stairs .

Almost knocking me and breeze down I get attacked and bombarded with hugs and kisses and I love you's and dad this and daddy that and it's all to much to handle . These ain't my kids dammit !

" dad we missed you soo much. I'm so glad you're awake." I get a good look at both girl and the boy and they spitting image of me ! The boy too , he even got the whole free form thing going on . Jesus Christmas how long have I been sleep ?! I grab the boy by his face and turn him so I can get a better look at him , I do the same thing to the girl.They all fucking look like me even down to the same teeth ! "why you looking at us like that?" I stare at her for God knows long until she starts to back up away from me . "dad say something ! You've been staring at us since we came up here !" The boy says .

I look at Breeze who looks just as confused as I am . "ummm here's what I want yall to do , go down stairs and wait by my car , I wanna take you all out." I say smiling . "which car ?" The girl says . " G class." They all look at me weird as if I'm talking Spanish . " Grain G Classe emmêlés , enfants Mercedes -Benz!" I shout . They all scatter out the room like roaches down the stairs . I look over and lightskin still here looking at me with her big green eyes , something about her eyes that are so familiar by I just can't figure who she reminds me of . " Come back and take the yellow bone with you !" The boy jogs back the stairs, grabs her hand and leaves . I really need to know names and who these children are because this is gonna eat me alive .

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