Chapter 8

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Abel's POV

I sulk & bask in the steamy shower as the warm water hits my skin . When I woke up I didn't feel like myself & my sight was different , it was like it was enhanced , almost cat like .

" want some company ?" I jumped , causing Breeze to step back . What is she doing here ? Does she have a key or something ?

" oh , umm , I was just -"

" shh . You look tense , let me give you a massage ." She says dropping her silk robe onto the floor . Stepping into the shower , she begans to rub her small hands up and down my back . Not gonna lie , it felt amazing but I wasn't in the mood to fuck with her today . I don't feel well , and front teeth hurt for no reason .

" that's enough . I'll leave you alone here ." Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist I step out the bathroom & began looking for some underwear . I need to go get some studio equipment and start making some music so that when I do come back , I won't be so behind on music and what not . I don't know Nerina went and I don't know why she left me with this crazy ass girl . I mean don't get me wrong breeze is Beautiful but she's starting to get on my nerves , she's smothering me , always around me , always doing things to try and make me happy . That's fine well and good but I just need some me time .

" Abel , why'd you jump out so quick ? Did I do something wrong ?"

" No ."

" are you feeling okay ? You seem annoyed ."

" I'm fine Breeze . "

" I was thinking , you know if you didn't mind -"

" no ."

" But .. you didn't let me finish."

" I don't wanna go out . I have things to do ."

" oh .. Forget I even asked then ." She says walking out . Shrugging her off , I continue to get dressed until a few minutes later I hear noises in the bathroom . I knock twice on the bathroom door .

" are you okay breeze ? I heard noises in the bathroom .. What you doing in the bathroom ?"

" nothing im fine ."

" are you sure ? "

" yes , now please leave me alone ." Fine , fuck it . Grabbing my jacket phone and keys from the bedroom , I start to leave the house. Grabbing onto the door knob , the whole door comes off its hinges . Landing on the floor. I look towards the back to see Breeze peeking her head from the bathroom . Giving a faint smile , I pull the door up & try putting it back in place . Which I failed miserably .

" Breeze !"

" hm ?" Jumping forward knocking the door towards me .

" you were behind me the whole time ?"

" no . I was in the back ."

" why are your eyes red ? You were crying ?"

" no ."

" yes you were . Come here ." Sitting the door up and sliding the book case infront of it to keep it from falling forward . Sitting next to Breeze I move her curly hair out her face , and begin sucking on her neck .

" you like that ?" I say licking on her ear lobe . Soft moans escaped her lips , answering my question . Unzipping her shorts and moving her black lace panties to the side , I start to slowly massage her clit .

" how bout this ? "

" Mmm yeah ."

" tell me if you like this ." Getting down on my knees with my fingers slowly filling . Bringing my face closer to her pretty waxed pussy , I start to flick and suck on her clit .

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