Chapter 25

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Rina's POV

Later that night

After all the commotion and Yaya beating that little girls ass, Abel finally came back home and we went to this secluded area and talked like he had promised. It was out on this mountain this mountain top that over looked L.A & we talked about ever


"Are you alright babe?" I say looking at him. He looks very tired , but after all the shit that has happened I'd be exhausted as well. I graze his beard with my finger tips and he jumps back and pushes my hand away.

"Whats wrong Abel?"

"You and Breeze are gonna drive me up a fucking wall. But that's not the what we're talking about. We're talking about what you know about the other world. The world that you fucking died in Rina, A world where I didnt have kid in. Now you better tel me what I want to fucking know or so help me God I'll beat your ass in this car." he says through gritted teeth . I don't know what is going on with him but it's scaring me. "Well.. I- Um. It came to me maybe a few weeks ago."

"What came to you ? Be specific before I lose my fucking patience with you." he runs his hands through his hair. I Scoot closer to door as he grips the steering wheel tighter. "That I remember. I remember being in that box all alone scared and pregnant. Dying slowly.. Feeling nothing less, knowing only that song , singing only that woodpecker song. I know that we're in another dimension or whatever you wanna call it. I know Breeze remember what happened cause I Remember what happened and you remember. I also know that the twins are neither hers or yours, I don't know if any of the kids are ours ."

"How do I fix it?"

"I don't know. It's something within you ."

"Cool. Now get the fuck out." He says unlocking my door and handing me my bag . "What are you doing Abel ?"

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of my car before I drag you out." I looked at him and he wasn't the same Abel from the party . His eyes weren't sad and lost anymore; they're cold dark and filled with hate. "Abel it's raining & I don't know where we are. Stop acting like this you're scaring me!" He quickly got out the car coming over to my side dragging me out by my neck . I couldn't make out what he was yelling at me but I prayed he didn't kill me out here.  I felt a blow to my face causing me to go down dazed and confused .

"You don't know where we at Rina?" To stunned to say anything I just laid there  looking at the crying Sky which began to develop white bolts between the clouds . He picked me up by my shirt and demanded an answer from me . "N-no. Abel please stop, whatever I did I'm sorry . Please stop hitting me."  I said through sniffles . "You want me to forgive you ?" I nodded my head quickly wiping the blood from my mouth and nose . "Get on your knees and suck my dick in the rain . Let's be fucking romantic!" I looked at him and he has this evil devilish grin on his face . I reached for his zipper only to be smacked again. "Go slow ." I grab my face and in pain but quickly regained thought . I unzipped his jeans and then pulled down his boxers, he was standing at full attention , easing him into mouth I prayed mentally he wouldn't last for long but I feel as if he'd make this as agonizing as he can .

After a few minutes he began grabbing my hair and skull fucking me . It's like he wanted to cause me pain , he enjoyed my crying and inability to breathe he got off on it . "The more you cry the more my dick gets hard. So cry baby. Cry as loud as you want." He got down to my level and caressed my face right before he spit in it. "You racist little bitch. Have Bonquisha and my ancestors that was on the boat help you home , Becky." He pushes me backwards causing me to land on my ass in mud . It began to rain heavily even more and I didn't know where I was so I got up and started walking down the hill which led to a dark road that had really tall trees on each side . There were no lights and it was complete darkness ahead of me so I decided to turn back around and just stay on the cliff , At least there was light up there from the city . I'll just walk down in the morning , at least I'll be able to see what's in front of me .

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