Chapter 15

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"She had reddish blonde brown hair , She was white , but her name was Alana Green . Not Nerina ." The old man says . " Do you have any idea where the body is buried ? Because you're describing my wife and my wife is alive , she's been buried alive !" I say while hot tears blur my vision and cascade down my face .

" have you called the police ?"

" yes ." I lie . " they told they couldn't do anything about it because I don't have any evidence that she was kidnapped and buried alive " I lie again .

I can't call the police and tell them 'oh this girl I fuck with who's a vampire is having my baby may have been possibly buried alive by some other crazy ass vampire girl I was fucking .' I don't know if Breeze did this but I have a strong feeling she had something to do with it . I still wanna know how she got pregnant and how is the baby already born when we all just met a few months ago ..

" sir , I have some people who can dig up the body but it will cost you some money to dig her up and put her back if she isn't who you're looking for ." The old man says breaking my train of thought .

" that's fine , how much ? Do you take cash ?" I say pulling out my wallet .



This baby looks nothing like me or Abel & I know once he figures out that I buried that bitch 10 feet deep he's not gonna want shit to do with me. But he can't just leave me be after I've gave birth to our child , which links us together forever .

" please ... Please, just give me my baby and let me go . I'll do whatever you want ..." Jesus is she still alive ?

" Look Jo , this will probably be the last time you'll ever see your daughter because you're gonna die okay ? I've put a spell on you and it should take effect any minute , it won't be painful but it won't be painless . I can't have you around while I'm taking care of my daughter who looks nothing like me and Abel , sooo I'm gonna put a permanent charm on her as well so I can get what I want like I always do okay ?" I say putting Ava down in her cradle . " you're lucky I even let you name the little shit."

" she's not your fucking child , she's mine !" I turn around and face her which was a bad idea , her body parts are melting off before my very eyes .
Her once curly brown hair is falling out in chunks whenever she moves , her eyes are popping out of her head and rolling around the room . It's like she's evaporating and she can't even feel or notice it . The sight made me nauseated instantly .

" what's happening to me ? What did you do to me ?" She shouts .

" so here's the deal , either you die or your child die. Better hurry up and pick because you're gonna be nothing but a memory in a few minutes." I already knew that the child wasn't going anywhere , I just wanna see if she's as good of a mother she says .

"kill my baby!" I stare at her in disbelief as I look at the Ava then at her disgusting mother . " I'm not killing an innocent baby , but how ever I'll still take off the spell and restore you back to normal ." She sighs of relief as I chant the undo spell over her . The undo spell is a universal spell that undos any charm , spell , or law permanent or temporary . Every part of her rolls back in place , it looked a little painful for the eyes to pop back in the sockets .

" I'll even be a good girl and untie you because you wanna know why ? We are gonna fight Ms Johanna , well I'm gonna fight , you're just gonna take it . You are a disgusting piece of shit , why would you want anybody to kill an innocent life who did nothing to deserve death ? You're her mother you're supposed to protect her even if it means dying so she can live you bitch !" I shout as I drag her by her shirt out the room . I can't believe her , why would you choose your life over an innocent baby ? You lived she hasn't !

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