Chapter 18

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Anya and Angel in the picture above :)

Abel's POV

My eyes are focused on Jessica as she walks towards us putting out her cigarette in the ash tray only to light another one . " why the shocked look Abel ? Surprised to see me?"

" ummm yeah . How have you been?" I say standing , pulling her up a chair.
" been good.. Came by too my new grandbabies ..." She says taking a drag of her cigarette .

" did you do this ?" I ask . It's all kind of making sense now , what Anya said .. I "have a time frame " and that she fucked it up ..
" oh my god you did this didn't you ?! What the fuck Jessica , you know how much shit you've caused? I need answers and right now because I know I have a time frame before everything gets stuck like this ." I rant on , knocking shit over and flipping plants . This crazy ass woman made another fucking universe and put me in it .

" are you done throwing a temper young one? I don't even know what you're talking about ." How can she be so calm about this? I'm somewhere where I don't need to be with kids who I haven't even been with for 2 years .

" you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about don't play stupid Jess. You did some vampire witch shit and -and fucking undo it ! I can't do this anymore I can't fucking do it ."

" you sure you don't want this? Be more specific about what you don't want."

" I don't wanna be in this universe , I don't wanna have any fucking kids , I wish I never met Rina or breeze or hou I don't wanna fucking be the weeknd I just want to be Abel . I wanna go back to Scarborough , I wanna be back in school with Lamar , I wanna meet hawk 4 years later , I don't want this anymore change it back, I don't wanna remember anything !" I say crying into my hand on the floor.

" Yo! Be careful what you wish for Abel .. You know how this shit works."

"He's right .. But you have the power to change everything . I may have made all of this but you have the ultimate power to fix , change or demolish everything I've done . You're the king now & this is only the first challenge you've yet to face. You see it's all coming together now , you can do whatever you want .. Remember that."
I hear her get up out her seat and leave the patio . I don't know how long it is but I'm still sitting on the ground face buried in my shirt thinking 'why me?'.
I feel a small hand on my arm and I look up to see its Aileen standing in front of me bright eyed as always .

" hi pumpkin. What's wrong?" I say pulling her close to me . " nothin .. I don't wan you to be sad anymore . You were crying." She says wrapping her tiny arms around my neck . I feel something wet drip on my back , I pull away to see tears fall down her little face . "hey , stop the water works , daddys not sad ."

"den why were u crying ? It's because u don't like us" She wipes her face. I look her at her little face and I don't want to lie to her , my dad always lied to me when I was little . He said he'd take me places and never would and I would get my hopes up every time. hell he was never there let alone show up , im not doing that to my kids. I always promised myself I'd be a better father than he ever was.

" cause daddy was just stressed out about some things okay? Nothing like that , daddy loves you , Angel , mommy Breeze and Rina."

"Yaya too?" I force a smile and nod . My feelings for Anya is mixed and I don't even feel like talking about her right now . I kiss her chubby little cheeks as she hands me a bracelet . " what's this?" I take the bracelet from her hand and examine it .

" it's a bracelet me and Angel made for you. The big A in the middle is you , and the little A's on both sides are me Angel Aaliyah and Anya ." She says smiling . This is the sweetest thing ever , I'll wear this religiously.

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