16)The Big Duel

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-Anwen's POV

I woke up smiling. I jumped out of my bed and quickly got ready for the special event taking place today: International Duelling Championship.

Unfortunately, I had to skip all of my classes today, but it was worth it.

I skipped down to the mostly empty Great Hall and swiftly ate breakfast, smiling the whole way through. I then proceeded to the Duelling Club room.

I walked into the room, very surprised to see it two times larger than usual. Off to the sides, there were cosy chairs, set up like the Quidditch stands. The stands were divided into six sections, each bearing a school's mascot or school symbol. The room was decorated with banners of these mascots and the duelling symbol, two wands crossed in an x.

I saw Professor Flitwick enchanting some more banners. "Hello, is there anything I can do, Professor?"

Flitwick enchanted the last bunch of banners and they flew up to the ceiling. "No, Miss King. I just finished the last of them. But your fellow peers from the Duelling Club and the ones you personally invited should start arriving soon."

After he said that, Lily and Bella wandered in. "Hi Annie!" Lily ran over to hug me. Bella looked like she was rudely woken up in the last minute and slumped around like a zombie.

"I'm excited for your duel." Lily's emerald green eyes were wide with excitement. "I hope you win!"

"Me too." Bella said with a sleepy voice.

"I'll try." I beamed.

The boys came in pushing each other. "Yes you do! I can tell." James shoved Sirius slightly.

"It is pretty obvious." Remus told Sirius with a smirk.

"What are you weirdos talking about?" Bella asked with a raised eyebrow.

All of the boys, except for Sirius, bursted into laughter. "Shut up." Sirius said through gritted teeth.

"Well, Sirius fancies..." Peter started, until he saw the rest of the boys giving him outrageous hand signals.

Bella rolled her eyes and turned back to me. Boys are confusing sometimes. She mouthed to me and Lily. We all snickered and the boys turned to us, confused. I guess we're just as confusing to boys as they are to us.

"Annie! Bella!" I heard from the doorway. Our parents walked in, swooping in for an embrace. I hugged them both tightly as Bella kind of pushed them away.

"I've missed my beautiful daughters." My father said as he hugged us.

"How are you feeling?" Mum smoothed my hair.

I smiled widely. "A little nervous, but mostly excited."

Dad looked at the group of boys with a reluctant look. "Do you two want to introduce me to this lot?"

"Sure." We said in unison.

"This is Peter, James, Sirius, and Remus." Bella pointed to each of them as she said their name.

"Hello Mr. King. I'm Annie's boyfriend." Remus extended his hand.

"Boyfriend?" Dad glared at him, then at me.

"I don't remember you mentioning him in your letters." Mum waved sweetly at Remus.

"I thought I did." I chuckled nervously.

"Well, you obviously skipped over it." Dad got out through gritted teeth as Bella chuckled.

"Where's Josh?" I changed the subject. Both of my parents' faces fell quickly.

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