26)Out the Fun Way

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-Anwen's POV-

     I knew I had to tell someone about my suspicions of Flora. If she really was the one behind the tree incident, she could have another go. But yet, a part of me told me she really was sorry, that I had just read her actions incorrectly. This little thought is what's stopping me from telling Professor McGonagall about Flora.

     "How's your progress with nonverbal spells, Mary?" Lily asked, her voice bringing me back down to Earth.

     Mary shrugged. "Barely passing. But they are supposed to be advanced, aren't they?" Mary took a bite of toast.

     "It's pretty hard for people to do nonverbal spells, unless they do it with a lot of practice." I joined in the conversation. "But it's an amazing skill to have if you become an Auror."

     "I'm interested in identifying and finding new creatures." Mary said. "So nonverbal spells might not be of much use to me."

     "You're right." I answered. "But they could be helpful for everyday things, like cleaning, if your parchment rips during a test, or organising-"

     "Look!" Lily interrupted me. "It's the post!"

     Owls swooped down, dropping letters like rain, some students catching them, some students watching their letters fall into their food.

     Lily stood up suddenly, catching an envelope. She glanced over the front, sitting down as the owls flew out windows to continue their daily routines. "It's for you, Annie." She handed it to me. "You weren't paying attention and I saw Emeralda drop it. I had to save it from your food."

     "Thanks." I replied, peering at the words on the envelope. In the very middle, it read, "Anwen King," and in the bottom right hand corner, it read, "Do not open in public. Top secret."

     "Are you alright?" Lily asked. "You've got a confused expression on your face."

     I quickly put on a smile. "I thought it was from my parents," I lied. "But it's actually from one of my cousins that live in Luxembourg right now. Probably some kind of postcard."

     "I'm doing alright in nonverbal spells." Lily continued our conversation. "I'm thinking about becoming a Healer so maybe nonverbal spells could be useful..."

     Lily continued on, but I wasn't listening. Who would send me this letter? Hopefully not Flora.

     "Did you hear about who made the Quidditch team?" Mary asked me and I snapped back to reality.

     "Yeah, Bella told me last night," I straightened myself so I wasn't slumping. "She said that she chose this second year, Thomas, to be Beater, James to be a Chaser, and Sirius to be the Seeker. Can't remember anyone else's names."

     Mary almost spit out her drink. I could tell since she took a hard swallow after making a certain face. "Sirius Black? Great, now Rachel has more things to talk about-"

     "Who's Rachel?" I asked, taking my last bite of egg.

     Mary rolled her eyes. "A girl in Hufflepuff. She talks about how she fancies Sirius Black, and how she hates Bella."

     "Why does she not like my sister?" I peered over at the Hufflepuff table, maybe to recognise Rachel.

    "She actually doesn't like either of you, but she's super toxic, I can't get rid of her," Mary pointed to a girl with a large nose at the Hufflepuff table. I sighed, remembering this girl from my ADC last year. "She thinks Bella's trying to date Sirius, or something."

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