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-Anwen's POV-

I strolled into the Duelling room, excited for the information we were getting today.

I sat down and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. Who knows, I might have to copy down important dates and important places.

Remus sat down next to me, accidentally brushing his arm on my arm, making me shiver. "So, what's that all about?" He gestured to my parchment and quill.

"Um, you'll see." I simply said, not wanting to spoil anything.

"Attention, Advanced Duelling Club!" Flitwick made sure everyone was looking at him before continuing, "There will be a special event taking place at Hogwarts this year."

Murmuring filled the room. Flitwick cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention again.

"This year, we will be having an International Duelling Championship! Six of the major Wizarding schools are participating!

"Now, I must explain," Flitwick said loudly over the excited chattering, "Only one from each school is allowed to duel to represent their school."

Groaning came from most of the students. "It keeps the duels short and allows the students to not be kept away from their schoolwork. Also, the Ministry is only allowing foreign Floo Network transportation for one day."

The loud complaining continued to increase in volume. "Quiet! Let me finish!" Flitwick had to yell. "Trials to determine who will duel for our school will take place next month, for two weeks after trials will be the real thing. So, until then, our meetings will be practice. Get to work everyone!"

I finished writing notes and slipped my things back into my bag. I pulled out my wand and stood up. "Wanna practice together?" Remus got up as well.

"Sure." I replied. Around us, I could hear various spells being used around the room. I got into a more opposing stance as Remus took a defensive stance. "Alarte Ascendare!"

Remus barely had enough time to fight back. "Protego!" He called, only flying a bit into the air.

"Steleus!" Remus called as he got back to the ground, but I was ready.

"Protego!" I watched the spell hit an invisible shield. Then, I quickly called:

"Mimblewimble!" Remus didn't deflect it in time and tried to shoot a spell at me. He couldn't say the right incantation.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I watched as Remus got put into a full body bind and started falling backwards. "Arresto Momentum!" I called so Remus fell down slowly.

"Great job, Annie." Remus said after I unfroze him with a counter-spell.

I stuck out my hand to help him up. "Thanks."

We parted ways to find more people to duel. After dueling (and winning) a couple of people, our club meeting was over.

I met Remus outside the door and we walked to the library. When we arrived, James, Sirius, Peter, and Bella were already there, poring over the ingredients list.

"Um, Annie, I think you forgot something..." James said, hesitantly.

"I didn't forget anything." I took the book from James's hand. As I looked over it, I realised that I did.

"We have to repeat a spell every sunrise and sundown. After we finish the potion and before we drink it." I pointed to the instructions.

"Why would we do that?" Bella spoke up.

"Because, we have to set our potions in the moon's light. And we have wait for a lightning storm after we finish the potion." I explained.

"I don't remember you telling us we had to do that!" Bella glared at me.

"Yeah, I don't either!" Sirius agreed.

"Shhhh!" Madam Pince gave us a muderous look.

"Maybe you just weren't paying attention! That happens frequently with you, Arabella!" I huffed.

"Well, maybe you were so sucked up in your big head that you just didn't tell us, Anwen!" Bella continued on, "Honestly, you think you're so smart and so brilliant, but you're just annoying."

I slammed the book. "Do you want to know what's annoying? All of you Dingheads walking around like you rule everything! You arrogant toerags think you can bully Severus whenever you want! You lot think you can complain when someone helps you! Well, I'm done helping you! I'm doing it for myself!" I stomped out of the library and heard Madam Pince shooing the rest of them out.

I hid in an empty corridor. I leaned up against the wall, sinking down to the floor. I started silently crying.

Bella just got on my nerves! All of them got on my nerves! Except for...

"Are you alright?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Remus.

"Yeah." I lied, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You don't look alright to me." He sat down next to me.

"It's just the fact that I've been trying to stop them from bullying Severus for years, but they won't listen! They're just...horrible!" I buried my face in my knees.

"And so am I." I faintly heard Remus say.

"No, you're not!" I quickly said.

Remus smiled weakly. "Yes, I am. I haven't tried to stop them. I've even joined in and I'm a prefect."

There was silence for a moment. "And I really am sorry." He put his arm around me and let me cry in his shoulder.

"You don't deserve to feel this way, Annie. You're too good."

"You don't deserve to have to go through all of the transformations every month. But, in order to live, good people have to go through hard things to complete what needs to get done." I looked up at Remus. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were against mine.

I immediately stopped crying, due to shock. Then he quickly pulled away. "Sorry." He said, blushing furiously.

"It's fine." I knew I was smiling giddily, but I didn't care much.

"Listen, Annie, I really like you. Like, a lot. Just wanted to let you know." He muttered the last part.

My heart fluttered. "I like you too." I stood up quickly. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Remus croaked.

"Bye, then." I waved at him, then walked off with a spring in my step.

A/N: Well, there's that.
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