13)So Very Attractive

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-Arabella's POV-

I adjusted the leaf in my mouth. "I oo ee af oo oo iz?" I tried to say.

"What did you say?" Annie looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"I saith i oo ee af oo oo iz?" I couldn't even understand what I was saying.

"Okay." Annie answered and ignored me. "We can't swallow, spit out, or chew through the leaf, or else you have to start over. Understand?"

"Yes." I said as everyone else nodded. I figured out where exactly the leaf should be in my mouth so it doesn't get in the way, fall out, or get swallowed.

We were putting Mandrake Leaves in our mouths for a whole month. I might still have to practice with it in my mouth so the teachers aren't suspicious if it comes out of its hiding spot..

It was the weekend and we've been doing the Animagus potion stuff for the whole day. Now, as it was about supper time, we packed up and left the library.

I took a detour to the girls' toilet, telling the group I'd meet them in the Great Hall.

When I walked into washroom, I saw a girl with long red hair and green eyes. "Hi, Lily!" I waved.

She smiled, then looked around to see if anyone could be listening. "I gotta ask you a question."

"Fire away." I crossed my arms.

"Does Potter fancy me? Sev has been nagging about it lately. I just wanted to know for sure and I thought you would know."

"Well," I double checked for people, "he does."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I hoped that you would say no."

"Just you watch. James will mature someday. Even if it's in fifty years."

She snorted. Then, her face turned to another questionable face. "Annie hasn't been hanging out with me and Sev lately, but with you lot. What are you lot doing?"

I put on a fake annoyed face. "She's making us all study. You know Annie, she still likes you and Sniv- Severus."

Lily's face relaxed. "Thanks. We should talk more, I like talking with you when you're not with Potter and them."

"Yeah, we should talk more. See you later." I waved as she left the toilet. I exited the room and into the hall a few minutes later.

"Hey." I heard a voice right behind me and in shock, I slapped them.

"Oops, sorry! Oh," I rolled my eyes, "it's just you Sirius."

"Oh, it's just Sirius. What about the hottest guy at Hogwarts?" He winked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I snickered.

"Well, I am so very attractive. Have you really taken a look at me?" He whipped his hair. His dark hair that was now smooth looking and...nice. He had dark grey eyes that were more beautiful than I've noticed before. He also had really nice eyebrows...

"So?" Sirius smirked.

I felt my cheeks get hot. "Your eyebrows are attractive." I said playfully because, luckily, I had recovered quickly.

"I'll take that." He laughed. "I really like your eyes. They're very pretty."

I paused. No one really said anything about my eyes because they always noticed Annie's deep blue eyes, not my light brown eyes.

"Thanks. I am so very attractive." I mocked Sirius.

That's when I realised that the old Sirius was back. Since the beginning of this school year, he was nervous, much like Peter around Annie. Maybe he had a crush on Annie too. Well, I was glad to have the playful Sirius back, as weird as that sounds.

When we arrived at the Great Hall, we saw everyone, including our mates, digging into the meal in front of them. We sat down next to them.

"Where were you two?" James said after a bite of toast.

I smacked my forehead. "I went to the toilet, remember?"

"Then where were you, Sirius? Also the toilet?"

"Well, Mr. Detective, I was waiting for Bella. Also, what took you so long Bella, you probably weren't taking a dump..."

"Number one: Don't talk like that at the supper table. Number two: I was talking to Lily." I waited for something stupid to occur.

As I expected, James spit water out on Annie, who was sitting across from him. She shot him a dirty look, then used a drying spell. She still got up from the table and left the hall. Remus followed suit.

"You did?" James ignored the weird series events that had just happened.

"No, I was talking to Moaning Myrtle. Of course I did!" I then proceeded to smack forehead for probably the millionth time today.

"What did you talk about?" He sat up a bit straighter.

"Well, we actually discussed..." I then realised how stupid I was. "Oh Merlin's crap! This is bad!" I jumped away from the table and towards Lily, who was sitting with Alice and Frank, looking like a third wheel.

"Lily, I need to talk to you! Right now!"

She looked alarmed. "Why?"

"Just come with me."

We walked out of the Great Hall. "Have you thought about the possibility that Moaning Myrtle might've heard our conversation?"

"Well, even if she did, she wouldn't tell anyone. She's too shy and sensitive."

"But, remember that time in third year? About what was going on between those two really popular sixth years? The girl was telling her friend some things about her relationship in the washroom and later that day, everyone at Hogwarts knew."

"So? Someone might've just been in the toilet at the same time and listened in on their conversation."

"No, the girl was my cousin. She told me that no one was in there. Except for Moaning Myrtle. But she dismissed Moaning Myrtle the same way you just did."

"Well, we'll find out soon if your theory is right." She then squinted at something behind me. "Is that who I think it is?"

I turned around to see two people probably talking by a column. I then decided I needed glasses or a spell to fix my vision. I started walking towards them.

James, Sirius, and Peter came out of the Great Hall. I paused as Sirius asked, "What's going on?"

"Hey, Evans." James tried to flirt with Lily as she rolled her eyes.

"No way, is that really who I think it is?" Sirius said squinting his eyes.

"That's what I was about to investigate." I said as I walked quickly, but quietly.

When I saw who they both were and what they were doing, I folded my arms and cleared my throat. Remus and Annie pulled away instantly. "What are you lot doing here?" Annie said, blushing furiously.

"Wow, Remus! Annie! I expected these type of feelings, but I did not expect you to actually snog." Sirius laughed his head off.

Remus and Annie both blushed and looked down at their feet as Peter ran away, sobbing.


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