17)Lightning and Acorns

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-Arabella's POV-

Dear Josh,
I've heard that you've become a Death Eater and I don't know why. What went wrong? You were the best brother ever and so fun. You were an example for me and Annie and now you work for You-Know-Who. If you get this letter, please consider your choice. Either way, remember that I love you. -Arabella

I'm working for the greater good! As a Pureblood, I would've thought you would understand and join us. Maybe I can help you see.
As wizards, we should have the right to rule over the muggles, including the mudbloods, since they are muggle. We were given magic for a reason, why don't we use what we've been given?
I've tried to talk to Annie about this. With her duelling skills, the truth would be spread, forcefully if needed. She rejected this invitation from the Dark Lord personally and is blind.
I hope both of you will see reason soon. I'm sure the Dark Lord will be joyed if both of you join him. -Josh

The letter was almost destroyed before I was done reading it in the Common Room. Me, join the so very worshipped "Dark Lord?" I ripped the parchment into little pieces, then pulled out my wand and cried, "Incendio!"

The parchment and the carpet caught on fire. I buried my face in my hands and started to scream. It was confusing to feel this way; it was something I've never felt before.

"Aguamenti!" A low voice called. "Bella, calm down!" I felt hands move my hair out of my face.

"But it's so hard!" I wiped tears from my eyes and found grey eyes looking at me with sympathy.

"I know. Let's breathe together. Inhale. Exhale." Sirius took a deep breath and let it go.

"That's stupid! It never helps!" I snapped.

"It does. Inhale," he gave me a do-it look. I sighed and took a deep breath. "Exhale." I breathed out. We did that couple more times.

"That actually did help. Thanks." I mumbled.

"You're welcome. I'm very helpful." Sirius flipped his hair dramatically. "You know, I wasn't planning on telling anyone, but I'm going to tell you. I trust you." Sirius sat back on the sofa.

"What?" I sniffled slightly.

"I've moved in with the Potters." He started.

I gasped involuntarily. "Why?"

"My parents support You-Know-Who. Not directly, but Regulus has joined the Death Eaters and they support him. They don't like me and treated me like rubbish, so I left." Minuscule tears could be seen in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Besides, we both have that in common: our brothers are Death Eaters." He just shrugged.

There was a short silence. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed Sirius, staring into my eyes. "You're really beautiful, you know that?"

Heat crawled up onto my cheeks and I slapped my forehead. "You don't just say that, Sirius! That gives girls the wrong idea. Especially those who are into you."

Sirius smirked. "Are you saying that you're into me?"

I scoffed. "Now you're the one getting the wrong idea."

At that moment, James ran into the common room, panting excitedly. "We're going outside tonight. Get ready to see lightning. At least that's what Annie said, I think." He paused and eyed us sitting on the sofa. "Did I interrupt something?"

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