19)Christmas Break

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-Arabella's POV-

I wrapped the scarf tighter around my neck, feeling the cold starting to creep in onto my neck. My whole face was already cold, snowflakes falling on my nose. Annie sneezed beside me and Lily gave a little handkerchief and a "bless you!"

Our parents had approved of us going to the Potters' house for the break. Mum had obviously been the one who had written the letter, for it mostly contained "oh yes, that would be wonderful, a lovely distraction" and Dad had written a "stay away from that boy, Annie" at the bottom. Annie is, for the first time, ignoring his advice.

We boarded the train, sliding into the compartment the boys were in. I, of course, had to end up next to Sirius. He wriggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

"I remember the first compartment we sat in," Annie said as she adjusted herself on a seat between Remus and Lily, "it was a little tight."

"Yeah, we got one of the small compartments." James answered.

"So, what do you have in mind for things to do at your house?" Peter piped up.

"Well, we are going to have a Christmas feast with my parents." James responded. "And gifts Christmas morning."

"Well, obviously, but what else? Are we playing any Christmas games?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. We play a game we call Volantez."

"Volantez? What is that?" Remus raised an eyebrow.

"I'll teach you when we play on Christmas Eve." James ruffled his hair.

The train ride was pretty long, as usual, but it went by fast, for we talked about Hogwarts. We could never get bored of talking about Hogwarts.

We felt the train stop and we climbed out to get our luggage. After we got our trunks, only filled with a few things for the break, we stood awkwardly while everyone else was hugging their parents, leaving the platform.

"Where's your parents?" Peter whispered to James.

"Probably late. They're not usually on time."

"Alright." Lily spoke up, biting her lip.

Then, a couple walked towards us. The woman was tall with short, white hair. Her warm hazel eyes were just like James's eyes, a little mischief sparkling in them.

The man was also tall, only slightly shorter than his wife. His hair was tangly, looking like there were several attempts of smoothing it. His eyes behind his round glasses were bright blue, with a hint of a green shimmer to it.

"Hello, we are James's parents." The woman said.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Potter." Obviously Annie stretched her hand out to them. Mr. Potter gave her a high-five instead and Mrs. Potter followed suit. Annie smiled along, though I knew that internally, she was confused.

"We will, of course have to take the Knight Bus. We can't fit all of you in a muggle taxi and the Knight Bus is more fun anyway." Mr. Potter led the way off the platform.

"What's the Knight Bus?" Lily asked me, since Annie was up with Remus.

"Something you won't like." I put the truth out simply.

I remember going on the Knight Bus twice, one before Hogwarts, and one between third and fourth year. It was great for me, but Annie felt horrible. Lily's already slightly motion sick, so being on the Knight Bus won't be a fun ride.

The bus had zoomed up, faster than all of the taxis and cars on the street. An old woman that looked like she was a hundred and fifty, the conductor named Muliera Exactoris. She was our neighbor before she became the conductor of the Bus.

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