3)Sorting Ceremony

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Anwen's POV-

I held Bella's right hand and Lily's left hand as the witch came back. The doors opened. Everyone in front got into a single file line, so I let go of Bella and Lily as we conformed. We walked in our line until we made it up to the front. The witch pulled out a parchment and called out, "Aban, Flora."

A girl with the straightest white blonde hair I'd ever seen walked up to the hat. The hat was placed on her head. We all waited a minute, then we heard the hat call out, "SLYTHERIN!"

"Black, Sirius." The witch called out. Sirius walked up to the chair and sat in it. He looked like he was wishing on a star. Then, the hat called out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

He looked relieved and sat with the Gryffindors. The witch went through the list. "Evans, Lily." She called out after a couple of students. Lily went red as she walked up and cautiously sat in the chair. She flinched when the hat was placed on her head. She sat for almost two minutes, whispering, "It doesn't matter," to the Sorting Hat. Nobody could hear her whisper, but I could read her lips.

Finally, the hat called out, "GRYFFINDOR!" Lily smiled and sat next to Sirius. I smiled at Lily and looked over at Severus, who looked very disappointed that Lily ended up in Gryffindor.

I stood through the names, trying to remember everyone so I could make some more friends. Then, I jumped when I heard the witch say, "King, Anwen." I walked up to the hat, thinking, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, RAVENCLAW! Please!

The hat was placed on my head. "You want to be in Ravenclaw?" The hat asked me.

"Yes, please." I said.

"You know, you would be great in Hufflepuff, being a kind girl. That's what Hufflepuff values." The hat said.

"Thank you." I said politely.

"But you would be great in Ravenclaw. Brilliant mind." The hat told me.

"Thank you." I said again.

"But you would be best in...."


"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat called. I was so confused. The hat didn't even bring up Gryffindor! I sat there like a Confundus Charm was cast on me until the tall witch asked me to get off the seat. I blushed and ran towards the Gryffindor table. I sat next to Lily.

"I thought you were going to be in Ravenclaw." Lily said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Well, you'll be the smartest in Gryffindor, then." Lily hugged me.

"Thank you."

I almost fell off the bench in surprise when I heard, "GRYFFINDOR!" When I straightened myself, I saw that Bella was sitting next to me. We look at each other confused. "Why are we in Gryffindor?" She whispered to me and Lily.

"I dunno." Lily said, "But I'm glad you're in Gryffindor with me." Her emerald green eyes sparkled.

"Lupin, Remus." The witch said. Remus jumped up onto the chair. Barely even a moment passed when the hat yells, "GRYFFINDOR!" Remus hopped off the chair and sat next to a boy I didn't notice sitting there. He was sitting across from Sirius.

"Oh, sorry, who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm Frank Longbottom." He said bravely. Bella giggled and I slapped her on the knee. "It means long valley, not long-" I tried to tell her, but she went into fits of laughter. Luckily, Frank didn't seem to care about her. We all turned our attention back to the Sorting Hat.

"Pettigrew, Peter." The plump boy sat on the chair. "GRYFFINDOR!" He came and sat by Remus, an excited look on his face.

"Potter, James." He sat and had the hat on his head for three seconds, at most. "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announced. He had the dumbest look on his face as he sat next to Peter.

"Snape, Severus." He glumly sat on the chair, looking at Lily. "SLYTHERIN!" The hat boomed. He sat at the Slytherin table, where a pale wizard with long, almost flowing, blond hair welcomed him into Slytherin. My brother was there too, giving him a handshake. I waved at my brother and he waved back.

Then, the Ceremony was over. "Tuck in." Headmaster Dumbledore declared after a long speech. Food appeared in front of us and Lily's eyes widened. She hesitantly grabbed some food as Bella took huge scoops. All of the boys stared at Bella like she was crazy. She noticed.

"Why are you all staring at me?" She said after and before a mouthful of food.

"I didn't know that girls ate that much." James said. He was sitting across from Bella and I knew what was going to happen. When anyone commented on her eating, she...

Bella stood, took the collar of James shirt, and punched him. We could hear a crack from James nose. Bella had broken his nose and blood poured from his left nostril.

"Oh my..." James groaned.

"Reparo!" I said, pointing my wand at his nose. His nose fixed itself, but he was still bleeding. Bella just sat back in her seat, proud of the work she just accomplished. The witch that had led us into the Great Hall and called our names to be Sorted, walked up to Bella, looking a bit distressed.

"I am Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress and your head of house. And you, Miss King," She continued, looking at Bella, "just lost Gryffindor twenty-five points."

Everyone groaned and looked at Bella. She shrugged.

"But you, Miss King," She said, looking at me, "are receiving ten points for knowing that spell." She then walked back up to the staff table.

"Great job Annie." Remus said.

"You won us the first points of the year!" Sirius said.

James was still bleeding. "I think you might need some napkins." Lily pointed out, giving him some from next to her plate. He took them gratefully.

"You might also need to go to the boy's toilet. To wash out the blood." Frank spoke up. James stood up and walked off.

"Hopefully, he knows where it is." Bella smirked.

"Bella, you don't need me to tell Mum, do you?" I spoke up.

"Please don't, Annie." She gasped.

"Fine. I owe you for not telling Mum in Diagon Alley about my books."

Bella smiled and hugged me. I smiled back and looked at Remus. Then, I realised that he had scars all over his face. I opened my mouth to ask, but remembered that asking questions like that is rude.

But, at that moment, I decided I was going to find out why he has those scars. And I knew I was going to succeed.


Hi! I have had great fun writing this so far! Hope you have had fun reading as well! Please vote and/or comment!

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