4)Tuck In

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-Arabella's POV-

I was already done with my meal. When Dumbledore said to "Tuck in," I took that quite seriously and ate until I was full in ten minutes.

James had come back to the table, his nose not gushing out blood anymore. I smirked at him and he sat down.

I took a minute to look at the people around me. Annie was thinking, probably about classes tomorrow. Lily was admiring the Great Hall. Frank was talking with Peter and Remus. James and Sirius were talking to each other. I decided to ask Sirius a serious (huh, am I or am I not just the greatest?) question.

"Hey Sirius. Do you comb your hair?"

He put his hand to his hair. "It looks great just the way it is." He replied, sounding kind of offended.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I purposely said reluctantly.

He rolled his eyes and kept talking to James.

"Will the Prefects please lead their house to their dormitories?" Dumbledore announced. We all stood up and walked behind our prefect.

I kept poking people on our way up. In fact, I was surprised when we got to the dorms. A fat lady in a portrait looked at us in annoyance. "Password?" She inquired.

"Animagus." The curly haired prefect answered. The portrait door swung open and everyone filed in. The common room looked old and worn. But, if there was a bunch of people like me that ended up in Gryffindor, the Common Room would look worse than this.

The curly head turned around and we stopped in front of him. The girl, who's hair was in a tight bun, also turned around to face us. "This is the Common Room." She gestured to the main room. "Over here's the girls' dormitories and over there is the boys' dormitories." She looked back at us with her deep brown eyes.

We all immediately began to scatter. Annie walked up to the girl prefect. They were conversing, then she bid her goodbyes and walked towards our group. She sat down on the floor next to me in front of the fireplace. "What did you ask her?" I asked Annie.

"Well, I asked for her name. Her name is Cara. Then, I asked how you become Prefect."

"Of course you did."

"She said to get good grades and be a good student. I might make it into the Ministry if I try hard enough." She smiled.

"Hey, do any of you know what we have first tomorrow?" Sirius spoke up.

"Transfiguration." Remus answered.

"Who teaches that?" Lily asked.

"Professor McGonagall." Frank said.

"She was kind of scary, to be honest." James admitted.

"She seems fine to me." Annie shrugged. "Anyway, I'm going to bed."

"I'll go up with you." Lily got up with Annie and they headed for the stairs. That left me alone with the boys.

"So, Annie's sweet, isn't she?" Peter babbled.

"Yeah, I guess." I was confused. Was he checking out Annie?

"Ooh, does Peter fancy Annie?" Sirius hooted loudly. People's heads turned and I smacked my forehead. And then I smacked Sirius.

"Merlin's beard! Are you bloody mad?" Sirius massaged his cheek.

"Don't say that again or I'll have to hit you again." I folded my arms and gave him a death stare.

"You mean what I just said or what I said before...okay, okay, I'll shut up now. You don't have to hit me." Sirius pleaded after I stuck out my fist for a punch in the gut. I put my hand back to my side.

"Okay, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight you bunch of idiots." I walked up the stairs to the dorms after getting my lazy self off the floor.

As I walked into the dorm room, I saw Lily still getting ready for bed. Annie was already in a bed, dead asleep. If there was one thing she didn't do gracefully, it was sleeping.

"Hi Lily." I greeted the pretty red head as I took out my nightclothes.

"Hello. Are you tired too?" She climbed in her covers.

"Nope. Just annoyed at those boys." I slipped on my nightgown.

"Well, I'm tired, so I am going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said as I slipped into my own covers. I stared at the ceiling with one question on my mind, well two, but I'm focusing on one: why was I put in Gryffindor? The Sorting Hat told me that I would be great in Slytherin and Gryffindor, but only briefly mentioned Gryffindor.

I guess that it was a question unanswered for now. I might find out one day. Maybe.

I moved into a comfortable position and quickly fell asleep.

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