Chapter Seventeen

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"Sophia, I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead"

"I-I-I um"

I grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"You can tell me." I said giving him a reassuring smile

"I think I love you"

I got butterflies in my stomach.

"Matt, I think I love you too. Honestly you're one of the only people that make me happy here."

"The only person that has ever cared about me before is my mom. Then I met you. I always push people away but you wouldn't leave. You actually stayed."

"That's because I care about you."

Matt laid back down pulling me with him. I giggled a little.

"You make me really happy." Matt said

"You make me happy too."

I felt my phone buzz and there was a text from Nash.

From Nash:

You better get home. Dad is pissed.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Matt I gotta go"

I leaned in and pecked his lips and started walking out.

"Soph" he called me back in


"I love you"

"I love you too Matt"

I ran out and got in Nash's car and drove home. I walked in the house and Chad was already waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" Chad yelled

"I was at Matt's house."

"You think you can just go there without asking my permission?"

"He needed me"

"I don't care. You broke a major rule of this house. I don't want you hanging out with Matt anymore."

"What?" I screamed

"You are not aloud to be friends with Matt."

"You're insane"

"Nash will make sure you stay away from Matt in school."

"I fucking hate you"

I ran up to my room slamming my door shut.


School was starting again today. I haven't talked to Matt, Chad blocked his number.

I got dressed and put my hair in a pony tail. I walked outside and got in Nash's car.

When we got to school I would have a few minutes to try and find Matt while Nash was at his locker.

I went to my locker and I saw Matt. Being beat up. I was about to walk over to him but Nash grabbed my arm.

"No, go to class"

"I can't leave him there Nash!"

"Go to class"


The first 5 minutes into class, I couldn't think straight. I asked to go to the bathroom but I went to go look for Matt.

I walked to where I saw him getting beat up but he wasn't there. My only other idea was the boys bathroom. I didn't even care I just walked in. I heard sniffling coming from one of the stalls.


No answer.

"Open the door."

The door opened. I saw a cut on his wrist.

"You have to try and stop."

"Just go away."

"Let me explain"

"You tell me you care about me and you love me. Then you don't talk to me. You ignored my calls and texts."

"Chad doesn't want me hanging out with you, he blocked your number. I was trying to get in touch with you but I couldn't."

Matt started crying.

"Listen" I said "I need to go back to class and I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you again. But Matt I love you so much. I'll try and talk to you soon."

"I love you too"

okay i havent updated in a while so here but this story is almost over.



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now