Chapter Eleven

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"I'll be right there" I said and hung up the phone

I ran down the stairs and went to find Nash.

"Nash! I need you to take me to the hospital. Matt's up." I screamed

"Okay, calm down. I'll meet you in the car"

I ran out to the car and it seemed like it was taking Nash forever to get outside. He drove to the hospital and I jumped out of the car right when Nash pulled up in front. I was excited to see Matt but nervous at the same time. As I walked up to the room Laura walked out with a smile in her face. Haven't seen her smile in a long time.

I ran up to her. "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked

"Yeah, he's gonna be just fine." she smiled

"Um can I go in and see him?"

"Of course!"

I stood there for a minute before I opened the door. When I did, Matt's head looked towards me and we made eye contact. I could finally see those beautiful chocolate brown eyes again. I bit my lip holding back my tears. I walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Hi" I said

"Hey" he smiled weakly

"I visited you almost everyday."

"Why would you waste your time on me?"

"And why do you always push me away?"

"I don't know I guess, I find it hard to believe that someone could actually care about me. I've just had it so rough I don't like trusting people."

"You can trust me. I promise you I will never betray you. I want to be friends with you." I said "Matt."


"I missed you a lot."

He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I giggled

"It's nice to actually have a friend who cares about me."

Matt and I sat there for an hour talking and watching TV. He moved over in bed and I sat next to him. He was actually opening up to me some. He still hasn't told me his story. He told me he needs time before telling me, which I totally understand. Laura walked in.

"Hi" she said

"Hi mom" Matt replied and I just smiled

"You can go home tomorrow but you have to talk to the police first."

"W-What? Why?" he asked nervously

"Well obviously someone did this to you, we need to file a police report. I'll be right back." she said and walked out of the room

Matt looked he had just seen a ghost. He was really pale and it looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"Matt, what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me.

"Hey, look at me." I said taking my index finger and pushing his chin up "Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't tell the police Sophia, I just can't." he finally replied

"Why not?"

"Then Austin will hate me even more and he'll just beat me up more. Please you can't tell them."

"So you rather let him get away with this?"

"Yes, please Sophia" he said and a tear slipped out of his eye

I brought my hand up to his face and wiped away the tear that was streaming down his face. I don't know what to do. I don't want Matt to get upset but I don't want him getting hurt again.

"Why do you have-"

I was cut off by the door opening and Laura walking in followed by two police officers.


"Can you tell me who did this to you?" the cop asked Matt

"I don't know who it was. I never saw the person's face."

The cops wrote down everything Matt was saying. Then they turned towards me.

"Miss Grier did you see the person who did this to Mr. Espinosa?" the cop asked

I turned and looked at Matt and he stared at me with those eyes. They were pleading for me to keep it a secret.

"Um no. When I got there the person was already gone." I lied

After they asked us a few more questions, the cops and Laura walked out.

"I owe you big time, thank you! I'll do anything to pay you back." he said

"Okay, there is something I want then."

"What is it?" he asked

"I want to be your friend. I want you to gain my trust and I can't do that without being your friend first."

"Okay" he smiled

Hopefully this will start our friendship. But I hope more than anything that it will lead to something more.

update at 700 reads! hope you're all enjoying this!



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now