Chapter Ten

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Dylan and I stayed up till who knows what time watching movies. I didn't want him to leave so soon when he just got here.

When I woke up I saw he was already up and on his phone.

"Do you have to leave today?" I asked

"Yeah I gotta get back to school. I need to get going to the airport my flight is in an hour." he replied

"I'll drive you."

Dylan and I got up and he grabbed all of his stuff and put it in the car. We didn't talk much on our way to the airport. When we got there I parked and I walked Dylan inside. He hugged me right after we walked in.

"Don't leave me. I'm gonna miss you" I said

"I know, I'm gonna miss you too."

Then he kissed me. I missed his lips. Or at least I thought I did. The sparks I used to feel, they weren't there anymore. I still love him but I think I love him more in a brother sister way then a boyfriend girlfriend way.

"I love you beautiful"

"I love you too Dylan" I replied and with that he grabbed his bags and went through security


(one month later)

Everything is off. I missed going to Matt's house. I missed seeing him in school. I missed him even though he would barely talk to me. I kept trying to go to the hospital but Laura told me she didn't want me there all the time. She wanted me to go out and enjoy my teenage years and enjoy Matt's for him too but I can't.

I have been quiet all the time. My family and friends are worrying about me constantly. I keep telling them I'm fine but I'm not even believing myself.

Maddi and the girls kept trying to hang out with me but I didn't want too. I didn't want to do anything. I rarely left my house besides for school.

I went downstairs and saw Nash. Chad had some sort of meetings today but Nash and I are off since it's Saturday.

"Nash, can you drive me to the hospital?" I asked

"Um about that, I really can't"

"What? Why not?"

"Dad doesn't want you going there. He says it's not good for you to be there all the time."

"Fine, don't take me. I'll just walk." I said

"No, wait I'll take you. Just don't tell dad"

I nodded and smiled, grabbed my hoodie and ran to the car. Nash drove me to the hospital and I told him I would call if I wanted a ride back. I walked down the dreary hall and saw Laura outside of Matt's room.

"You're back?" she laughed

"Yeah I just can't stay away." I replied

"If you're here I am going to run to my office quick and do some work. I've missed a lot."

"That's fine."

"Call me if anything happens,"

"I will"

I walked into Matt's room and sat down next to his bed.

"Hi love" I said "I miss you a lot. I know you can hear me. So please Matt, just wake up."

I sat there for a few hours and the Laura came back and told me to go home because she doesn't want me spending all my time at the hospital.


I sat in my room writing. Writing random things, my feelings, song lyrics, poems, anything trying to keep my mind off of Matt but it wasn't working. I was writing when my phone started ringing and I saw it was Laura so I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I said

"He's awake." she replied

update when the story gets to 600 reads. love you all!



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now