Chapter Eight

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was worried about Matt. I want him to be comfortable talking to me. I feel like he has so many emotions and feelings bottled up that he just doesn't talk about or tell anyone. One day it's just going to make him go absolutly crazy.

I walked downstairs and saw only Nash. Chad was coming back tonight but I was hoping some of the guys spent the night again.

"Sophia, I know you're mad but can you just hear me out?" Nash asked

I decided to stop being stubborn and I sat down next to him and listened to what he had to say.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I know I shouldn't have said it. It was in the heat of the moment I was mad that you were making out with my friends, but I know it was wrong. I'm such a horrible brother. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I just have had some history that you brought up when you said that and that's why I got so mad." I said trying to not think about everything that used to happen to me

"What happened?"

"Um, well when I was in 9th grade I didn't have any friends and kids picked on my everyday. There was one girl she thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend and everyday she would call me a slut. She just put me in such a dark and emotional place and it made me feel like I didn't want to live anymore."

Nash grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve.

"I never self-harmed." I said

Nash pulled me into a bear hug

"I'm so sorry. Now I feel even worse."

"It's okay Nash."

"Thank you for forgiving me because I don't deserve it"


(skipping to Wednseday)

Matt was in first period today but after that he dissappeared. I wanted to make sure he was okay. I texted Nash and walked to Matt's after school. As I got to Matt's his mom was walking out.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" she asked

"I came to see Matt" I replied

"He isn't home yet"

"Oh ok, I'll just wait for him" I smiled

"Ok sweetie"

I sat outside his house for what seemed to be like forever. I picked up my phone and called Matt. No answer. Now I'm freaking out where is he? I walked back to the school and looked to see if he was there. I walked around the back. I heard laughing and screaming.

Matt was lying on the floor bleeding. Austin and his friends standing over him, kicking, hitting and punching Matt.

"What are you doing to him?" I yelled

They stopped what they were doing and walked away. Just like that. I bent down next to Matt, who was crying.

"Can you walk?" I asked him

"I-I d-don't think s-so" he replied

"I'm calling an ambulence"


"Matt, I have too."

I called and they said they would send an ambulence right away. I got on the floor and sat down next to Matt. He was bleeding a lot, I was getting worried. He started closing his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes, come on Matt keep them open."

I was afraid if he closed his eyes, that he wouldn't wake up. When an ambulence came they lifted Matt up and put him in the back.

"Can I come?" I asked the paramedic

"Family only." he replied and then shut the door, as the ambulance drove off

I wanted to break down in tears, I don't even know why. All this kid does is push me away but I can't help but want to get closer, when he wants to get farther. I pulled out my phone and asked Nash to pick me up. When he pulled up I ran to the car.

"I need you to drive me to the hospital, like right now" I said

"Why?" he asked

"Matt's there. Just go"

He didn't protest. He just drove to the hospital. I think he finally realizied to not fight me when it comes to Matt. I got to the hospital and ran up to the desk.

"What room is Matthew Espinosa in?" I asked

"Room 213, but he can't have vistors right now. You can sit in the waiting room if you would like." she smiled

I sat down in the waiting room and I waited forever. I saw Laura come in but the nurse took her somewhere. I wanted to cry but I held the tears back.


I buried my face in my hands and when I felt someone rub my back. I looked up and saw Laura.

"Hi Laura" I said

"Hey sweetheart, what are you still doing here? It's 9 and you have school tomorrow." she replied

"I wanted to know whats happening with Matt. So is he okay?"

She mummbled something that I didn't hear.

"Say that again"

"They're waiting to see if he wakes up"

"What do you mean if he wakes up? He has too. He has too be okay!"

She started crying. "You saw him, he lost a lot of blood."

I was at loss for words. If. If he wakes up.

"Is there any way I can go see him?" I asked

"Yeah, I'll walk you there."

We got up and walked to the room. She stopped at the door and told me that was the room. I stood there and took a breath before opening up the door.

here you go loves! next update at 400 reads on the story



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now