Chapter Twelve

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-6pm the next day-

Matt was allowed to come home today. I texted Laura asking if I could come over and surprise Matt when he got back and she said okay. I decided to make brownies and pick up some movies for Matt and I to watch. Then I went to his house, Laura left the door unlocked for me.

I was waiting for a few minutes when Laura and Matt walked in. Matt was wearing sweats and and a hoodie. He walked in on his crutches but he hadn't noticed I was there.

"Hey Matt" I said and he jumped

Laura and I laughed.

"I didn't know you were here." Matt replied

"I know but I brought brownies and movies." I said and he smiled

Matt slowly made his way up the stairs with me following behind. We walked into his room picked a movie, Finding Nemo, and settled down on his bed.

We both watched the movie and made some conversation here and there. There is something about this boy. He like hypnotizes me. I just want to be his. I know I barely know him but he has managed to win me over by literally pushing me away from him.

After we had watched three movies Laura walked into Matt's room.

"It's getting late, if you would like to stay over Sophia I'll blow up an air mattress for you and of course as long as it's okay with your family." she said

Of course I wanted to stay over. I looked over at Matt for his approval, he was smiling.

"I would love to let me just call Chad quick." I replied

I called Chad and he said it was fine with him. Laura came in and set an air mattress up on Matt's floor. After she set it up she said goodnight to Matt and I then went to bed.

"Do you want to borrow sweatpants and a shirt?" he asked

"Sure" I replied

"Okay, they're in the top drawer of the dresser."

I got up and opened the drawer and started pulling the sweats out. I saw a sharp, silver piece of metal in his drawer. I was in shock. I couldn't believe he cuts or used too. I had to find out for sure if he still did. I grabbed the clothes and changed in his bathroom.

When I walked out Matt was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. I walked over and stood in front of him and he looked up at me.

"I need to know something." I said

"Okay" he replied giving me a confused look

I grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve. I didn't want to believe what I saw. Cuts covered his arm from his wrist to his elbow. I looked at Matt who looked like he was about to cry, which I don't blame him I wanted to cry.

"Matt" I said in shock

"I-I'm so sorry" he said as the tears fell out of his eyes

"Don't apologize to me. You have no reason to apologize. I just feel. I don't even know what I feel. I want you to be happy."

"I want to be h-happy too" he cried

I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Shh you're okay."

"Don't leave me"

"I'm not going anywhere." I said

"I mean ever. I don't want to be alone. I always end up alone I'm tired of being alone. I'm so broken on the inside and I hate it." he looked up at me with sadness in his eyes

I cupped his face in my hands.

"You're broken but I want to be the one to fix you."

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