Chapter Seven

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I wanted food but I was hesitant to go downstairs because of Nash. I got out of bed and slowly walked down the stairs. All of the guys were in the kitchen including Nash.

I sat down at the counter and rested my face in my hands.

"Sophia, can we talk?" Nash asked

"No." I replied

"Please I just want to explain."

"Explain what Nash?!" I yelled "You know what you said and you can't take that back. Don't even try to make this better because you can't!"

All the guys were starring at us. I got up and walked outside. Shawn followed me out.

"You okay?" he asked

"Yeah, I guess. It's just, the word slut brings me to a bad place where I don't want to be."

"Okay, I suggest you just get out of the house today and spend some time away from Nash. Don't get me wrong Nash is like a brother to me but he gets heated sometimes." he said then got up



"Thanks for everything. It really means a lot."

"No problem"


After I ate breakfast I went to my room and texted Matt to work on the project.

(Texting: S-Sophia, M-Matt)

S- I know it's a Sunday but would you want to work on the project today

M- Sure come over in 15 minutes?

S- Okay :)

I put on a t-shirt and leggings. Then I went downstairs to see if any of the guys were still here. Most of them were.

"Shawn, can you give me a ride to a friend's house?"

"Sure" Shawn replied

"Who's house?" Nash asked


"I don't think that's-"

"Don't even finish that sentence Nash" I said then walked out to Shawn's car.

Shawn dropped me off and he told me if I needed a ride home I could call him. I knocked on the door and Matt's mom answered

"Hi Sophia" she smiled

"Hi" I replied

"Matt is upstairs in his room."


I walked up to Matt's room and I saw him on his bed .

"Ready to work?" I laughed



Matt and I worked on the project all afternoon. He was actually somewhat happy today. Our project was almost done, we just had to type a final draft of our report. There was a knock on the door and then his mom walked in.

"Sophia, would you like to stay for dinner?" she asked

"I don't-" Matt said but I cut him off

"I would love to stay for dinner." I said

"Come down in 5 minutes" she smiled and left

"What you don't want me staying for dinner?" I said

"I just don't want you getting close to me." he replied

"And why is that?"

"Because it's not worth it. I'm not worth it."

"Yes you are."


"This is so good, Laura. Thank you for having me." I said as I took another bite

"No problem sweetheart."

We had just finished eating and we were sitting at the table when the door swung open and a man stumbled in.

"Oh god." I heard Matt mumble under his breath

I was kind of worried.

"Who is that?" the man pointed at me

"That's Sophia" Laura replied

"Why would you want to be around that freak?" he asked motoining towards Matt

I looked over at Matt who was biting his lip. He got up from the table and ran out the door.

"I'm going to go after him" I said

"Thank you" Laura replied

I got up and took off down the block after him. I saw him running down the block into the woods, I ran in after him, he was sitting down by a stream. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Go away. Just stay out of my life." he yelled

I didn't go anywhere. I know he's upst so I just sat and waited a minute for him to cool down. Maybe this is why he didn't want me staying for dinner.

"Who was that?" I asked

"My um dad" he replied "Can you just leave me alone?"

"Why do you push me away so much?"

"Because I don't want you getting close to me. I'm not worth it. I'm a fre-"

"You're not a freak. Matt, no matter how much you push me away I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm just trying to do what's best for you! Why don't you get that?"

I pulled Matt close to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to tell me what that was about?" I asked

"I don't know it's hard for me to talk about. I don't want people finding out"

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"It's just really hard for me to talk about."

"When you're ready to tell me then tell me but for now."

We sat there for an hour until I got up.

"Where are you going?" Matt asked

"I think we should go home. It's getting late and we have school tomorrow."

"No we have off for teacher conferences." Matt replied

"Oh, okay." I replied "Let's go somewhere."


"I have a place in mind. Come on, let's go."

We got back to Matt's house and we went inside to get car keys. We walked in and it was a mess. The plates from dinner were smashed all over the floor and Matt's mom was on the couch crying.

"Can you wait outside?" Matt asked me

"Um yeah"

I walked outside and I can hear Matt and his mom talking. Matt walked out he looked so mad and sad at the same time.

Matt handed me the keys and I got in the driver's seat. We drove ten minutes in silence before pulling up at the beach.

It was dark and quiet on the beach. There weren't any people except for a few walkers. We sat down on the beach and stared out towards the ocean. We just laid there in silence. Being on the beach help clear my mind and helps me relax. I was hoping it would do the same for Matt.

Next update when the story gets to 300 reads :)



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