Chapter Two

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I walked in the kitchen and saw 8 guys including Nash. I have to admit they're all pretty attractive.

"Guys this is my sister Sophia" Nash said "Sophia this is Cameron, Shawn, Aaron, Jack, Jack, Carter and Taylor"

I awkwardly waved.

"We are going to go downstairs and play some video games if you want to join." Nash stated

"Sure" I replied

We all went downstairs and the guys took turns playing the games. They all were really nice and fun to be around.

"So you are going to be in the same school as us?" Aaron asked

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

"You can sit with us at lunch if you want" Nash said

"I may take you guys up on that offer" I laughed

Chad bought us pizza. I just took mine and went to my room.

It was already 8:30 so I got my outfit ready for tomorrow. Leggings, vans and a tie dye hoodie. I was too lazy to try even though it was only the first day of school.

I was so tired I just got into bed and went to sleep.


"Soph, Soph" I felt someone shaking me

I let out a load groan.

"Just 5 more minutes" I said

"No, you aren't making me late too" Nash said


I got out of bed and put my hair into a side braid. I didn't feel like putting on a lot of makeup so I just put on some eyeliner and mascara. I got changed and then met Nash downstairs in his car.

"I'm going to take you to the office to get your schedule and then I am going to take you to your locker. I don't think we have any classes together besides lunch, so if you need anything just text me." Nash said


Nash parked the car and then we walked into the office.

"Hi, I'm picking up my sisters schedule, Sophia Grier" Nash smiled at the woman

She went into a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Nash.

"Here you go. Have a nice first day Miss Grier" she said

"Thank you" I replied

Nash walked me to my locker, I put all my books in my locker and started to look for my first class. I wasn't looking where I was going and of course I bumped into someone knocking both of our books on the ground. Way to go Sophia, already embarrassing yourself.

"I'm so sorry I was trying to find my class and I wasn't looking where I was going." I said

I looked up and saw a girl with blonde her and blue eyes.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm Maddi." she said

"I'm Sophia, could you maybe help me find me class." I laughed

"Sure" she replied and I handed her my schedule "I'm in the same class as you! Come on let's go before we're late"

We walked into the class, Maddi took her seat and I walked up to the teacher, Ms. Walker.

"Hi" Ms. Walker said "You must be Sophia"

"Yeah" I smiled

"Okay take a seat next to Matthew" she said and pointed to the boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes

I walked over and sat down in my seat.

"Hi, I'm Sophia"

Matthew you just sat there and didn't say anything. I just shook it off and pulled out my books and started copying the notes off the board.

"Okay class, I'm handing out an assignment. You will work with a partner, you will read a book and work together to write a report on it. Your partners are going to be the person sitting next to you. I'll give you guys a few minutes to make plans to meet with your partner." she said

"So when do you want to work on the project?" I asked

Matthew just shrugged.

"Tomorrow after school?" I asked

He nodded. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a phone number and an address, which I am assuming are his. I just took the paper and put it in my pocket. How am I supposed to do this project if the kid won't even talk to me?


The first half of the day went by quick. Maddi asked me to sit with her and her friends at lunch. She came with me to my locker so I thought I would ask her about this Matthew.

"What do you know about Matthew?" I asked

"The one you sit next to in English?" she replied

"Yeah, him."

"I don't know much. He keeps to himself, he gets bullied a lot. I feel bad for the kid."

Maybe that's why he got so quiet around me. Maddi introduced me to her friends Robyn and Maria.


I was walking outside to meet Nash when I saw a kid push Matthew on the floor. I was about to walk over when someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw it was Nash.

"Ready to go?" he asked

I turned and looked back at Matthew you. The group of guys had walked away and Matthew was sitting on the floor with his head buried in his knees. I just wanted to see if he was okay.

"Um yeah I guess" I replied

I wish I went over to see if he was okay.

I went home and did my homework. I sat in my room wrote in my journal and thought about Matthew. I truly feel bad for him. I know what it's like to not have any friends or to be treated like you are worthless.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in my room. I probably would have just stayed there all night if Chad hadn't called me down for dinner.

"How was your first day? Make any new friends?" Chad asked

"It was good and yeah I made a few friends. Nash can you drive me somewhere after school tomorrow?" I asked

"Sure, where?" he replied

"I need to go to work on a project at Matthew's house"

"Matthew Espinosa?"


"Just be careful around him. I don't want the guys who pick on him to start picking on you."

"Don't worry I'll be fine."

It is nice to have someone care about me and want to make sure that I'll be okay."

Hi loves, so by time you read this chapter the book will probably already be finished. I wanted to write the whole story before I actually published it.



love, Sophia // m.e.Where stories live. Discover now