Chapter 41 - Outing gone wrong

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Brenda's POV

"Hudson you don't need to worry about me. I can get a lawyer myself. I've told you this a thousand times" I whine for the umpteenth time.

"And I have told you a thousand times that I will help"

I cross my arms, glaring up at him.
"Fine. You can do whatever you want!" I sigh in exasperation knowing he wouldn't give up anytime soon.

"I knew you'll give in" he says, his back to me and I know him well enough to know he's hiding his smirk behind the teacup.

"That's only because you're too headstrong" I snort.

He turns around to speak but just then, my phone rings.

"Uhm, excuse me" I say before walking further into the garden.

I look at the caller ID and it's Theodora.


"Today, I'm leaving my husband's house all because of you, all because of you, my children will grow up in a separated home—"

"Hey, hey, please hold it there. I know I was so wrong for spilling out your secret like that, but don't act like you are a saint. You are behaving as if you were not having an affair with my husband recently. I'm sorry Tahir wants an annulment, but it's all your fault for keeping such a big secret from him"

"You think it's easy? Wait, you expected me to tell him I was pregnant with another's child? If I had done that, he would have annulled our marriage long long ago!"

"I'm sorry for your misfortune, but I bet Tunde would treat you better"

"You talk as though he isn't your husband." She says.

"Well...we will be going our separate ways soon enough"

"And Juanita, how's she taking the whole thing?"

I chuckle. "She could care less. They were never really on good terms anyway" I shrug.

"Hmm...." After quite a long pause, she speaks up. "Brenda?"


"I'm sorry. I know I messed up and I know I'm handling things terribly, but...please forgive me? It was never my intention to hurt you or ruin your relationship with your husband"

I smile a sad half smile.

"I would be lying if I say you didn't ruin my family, but then again, it was already ruined, you only added the finishing touches. But, I don't think I should be mad at you, like they say, everything happens for a reason...Tunde was...he isn't the one for me, so if anything, I should be thanking you, for helping me see the real monster In the man I was married to"


Juanita's POV

"I promise you, you'll enjoy this" Kharo says, smiling broadly.

"This one your Aunt has been letting you go out, gist us biko, weytin dey occur?" (Talk to us please, what is happening?") Sophia asks

"She don finally find man " ("she now has a boyfriend") Sophia and I gasp.

"Yes oh! She has been very happy these days, smiling more, laughing more, she even buys stuff for me sometimes."

"Mm-hmm so it took only one man to break the shell?" I ask.

"Yes oh.....the movie is about to start, let's go" she says, grabbing her bag.

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