Chapter 37 - Clueless

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Brenda's POV

My confusion and doubt immediately turn to anger and hatred.

"He...he what?!!"I shrieked.
"That animal! That scumbag! That...that dullard. I swear on my parents grave, I will never rest till he pays for every pain, every drop of tear, every frustration, every single thing he has put us through. He will pay" I say vehemently.

"That bastard!"

"Mummy please calm down" Juanita begs.
"I should calm down? Are you even listening to yourself? Why didn't you tell me this before? When did all this happen?" I ask, turning to face her.

"It happened two years ago and I couldn't tell you, because he threatened me!" She cries and I feel so devastated.
How didn't I noticed?
My baby was just 14 and she had to go through all this alone.
I'm such a shitty human, a shitty mother.
How could I have been so blind.

Hot tears begin to run down my cheeks.

"Of course he did! That bastard sure knows how to play his cards right. Tell me, what did he tell you?" I ask, aggressively wiping the tears off my face.

"He threatened to kill you. If I had told you, he would have killed you. I love you too much Mum I don't want to loose you"

"My baby. I love you too" I pull her close to me, hugging her, I just couldn't stop the tears flowing from my eyes.

From this day onward, I promise to love her till death.
I'm going to love her, with my life.

"Forgive me for being a failed poor excuse of a mother" I sob

"Mum that's enough. Don't beat yourself up. It's all over now."

"No. In fact, we just got started"
To our surprise, that comes from Hudson

"We need to press charges" I say with finality.

"That bastard will pay for everything he's put us through."


Cassandra's POV

Few weeks later

I saunter over to the kitchen, to get myself some quick breakfast, before heading to school.

The moment I walk into the kitchen, I'm greeted by the presence of Brenda.

"Damn! Now I've lost my appetite" I groan before turning around to leave.

"You know, I was born and brought up in England and from what I remember, that is definitely not how they greet elders over there" she says in a calm tone, causing me to chuckle, before turning back.

"I do as I please-oh yes! One more thing. The fact that I'm enduring your presence in this house, doesn't mean you belong here. You do not belong here. If I were you, I would mind my business and give Cassandra her space" I snarl.

I expect her to retreat or keep quiet and watch me leave, but what I did not expect was for her to burst into a fit of laughter

"What? Did I say something amusing?" I frown.

"Listen here darling, if I were you, I would respect everyone in this house, because honey, if there's anyone who doesn't belong here, It's you!" She says, before shoving me to a corner as she walks past me.

What does she mean?

if there's anyone who doesn't belong here, It's you!’

Is there something I don't know about?

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