Chapter 7 - Birthday Surprise

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After getting my hair done, I had my lunch and spent sometime on my MacBook. Before I realized it, it was already 3pm, I hurriedly got dressed and did my makeup.

"I'm gradually getting better at this" I said to myself and I carefully drew a neat eyeline.
I stood in front of the mirror, admiring myself, just then, I heard a knock on the door.
"Juanita, the driver wants to know if you're ready?" Nanny Jane asked.
"I'm set. Just a minute" I replied, while applying the last layer of lip gloss. I took a deep breath and said to myself. "You can do this Juanita"


"Wow, you look gorgeous" nanny complemented. "Did you do that makeup yourself?"
"Thank you, I did" I replied as well made our way to the living room. "My online makeup classes are paying off"

"That's good. Your mum will be proud of you"
"Too bad I'm not joining the fashion industry like her"
Nanny nodded.
"So have you decided on what you'll do after secondary school?"
I sighed.
"I honestly don't know Nanny"
She smiled at me and gave me a pat on the back. "With time, you'll figure it all out"
I smiled back at her. I then realized I really loved this woman. She just knew the right words to say, at the right time.
"Thank you Nanny Jane. I honestly don't know what I'll do without you" I smiled, unable to control the drop of tears from running down my cheek.
"Don't cry now, Princesses do not cry" with that being said, I hugged her tight.

"Come on now child. You're getting late..have fun" she grinned at me

"Okay, okay. Bye Nanny Jane. I love you" I blew her kisses.

Nanny Jane is the grandmother I never knew. All her children were matured men and women, they studied abroad, in her hometown, the Philippines.
I've learned a lot from her, she's been there for me for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, she was there when my mother usually went for photos shoots or movie shoots. Yes, my mum is many things; a model, fashion designer and an actress. Now you know why she barely has time for me.

We finally arrived at the hotel. 'Golden Daisies' boldly written in Gold of course, on the top of the magnificent building.

I make my way into the building and it felt like all eyes were on me. For a moment, I almost forgot how to walk.
"Good morning Miss, How may I help you?" The receptionist asked, but before I could answer, this big bodyguard was at my back.

"She's with me" he said in a deep baritone voice, I found it unable to believe a human being would have. He could pass for the voice of a lion in lion king.
Realization dawned on the receptionist and her eyes went wide.

"Forgive me Miss Lawal, you may go in"

"It's Juanita" I told her and she nodded. I walked towards the  hall where the party was taking place with the guard behind me.

"Anita!" That was my mom. "What took you so long? Come on, your dad will be here soon, let's organize ourselves. You'll be the one to shout 'happy birthday dad' okay?"

Ewwww! What the actual fuck??!

"Mum, I'm sorry but I can't do that" I stated, leaving no room for arguments, but of course, my mum made room.

"Why so?" She cocked her head, daring me to give a reason and guess what? of course I did.

"I just can't Okay? This is so cringe. It's ridiculous"

"You're doing it and my decision is final." She said "I don't care if it's cringe or bringe or fringe. You will do as I say" she hissed and walked out, shoving me to the corner.

"You're doing it and my decision is final....You will do as I say...yen....yen....yen..." I mocked her.

"Rubbish. It's you that know who will do that rubbish. You will wait and get tired" I angrily muttered and took a sit behind one of the beautiful tables, frowning all the way.
Besides this hall was way too beautiful for the birthday of a demon to be celebrated here

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