Chapter 22 -Too Blind To Notice

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It is another boring school day, I am seated at my seat beside the window, admiring the beautiful view outside.

"Juanita!" My biology teacher's voice guarantees me out of my world if thoughts.

"Yes ma!" I jerk, focusing all my attention on her now.

"Can you share with the whole class what you are so busy thinking about?" She asks.


"Pfft! Of course, she's tongue-tied. What a schmuck!" Cassandra mutters, loud enough for half of the class to here.
Some idiots begin to laugh.

I choose to ignore her, She just wants my attention. "I'm sorry ma. I was just thinking about the upcoming swimming competition. It's not easy to be a champ" I  say the last sentence low enough for only Cassandra to hear as she was seated right in front of me.

"I wish. How would you win that, when you can't even ace your studies"

Now she's really pushing it.

"Ms Lawal, the class isn't the right place for thinking. If you want to think, go to the restroom or somewhere else, not my class. Have I made myself clear?" The teacher glares at me.

"Yes ma" I reply, my glare fixed at the back of Cassandra's stupid head.

"Good" she turns around and continues her lesson.


Tiredly, I walk out of class. It has indeed been a long day. All my limbs feel weak. I slowly make my way to the place where Sophia, Kharo and I fixed to meet.

I was so absent mindedly walking and I didn't have the time to comprehend, but the last thing I see is my books flying on the floor and my face hitting the floor.

"Ouch!" I groan, before sitting up, massaging my temple. I look up, only to meet the smirking face of Cassandra, on either side of her are her two worthless puppets.

"You!? What exactly is your problem?!" I yell at her, standing to my feet.

"Oops!" She giggles. "Did it hurt? I was just catching some fun-" before she completes her annoying sentence, my palm connects with her cheek.

"You must be stupid! Who the hell do you think you are huh? I will not watch you insult me! If you think I'm one of those weak students you can bully, then think again! You've got the wrong person!" I tell her coldly.

She raises her filthy hand to hit me back, but I grab it, before it reaches me.

"Don't even dare, Cassandra Beecroft! Don't you dare touch me! I will always fight back! Got it?" I push her and she falls into the hands of her puppets.

"Fools" I glare at them, before shoving them out of my way.

"This isn't over yet Juanita Lawal!" She yells in her thick British accent.


The result of the tests we wrote few weeks ago just came out.
Everyone is busy going through theirs, While I just sit there, staring at mine.

What score could be there?

Slowly, I peep into it....68%

That's not so good....neither is it so bad, but at least it's above average.

"Oh Juanita? What did you score?" Cassandra walks towards me.

"How's than any of your business? Can you please get out of my life?" I scorn at her.
What kind of girl is this?
Can't I just mourn my disappointment in peace?

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