Chapter 8 - The Scene

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I tiredly walked into the living room, I heard my mum shut the door behind her. The party ended by midnight. I was really exhausted

This dress is killing me.
I can barely breathe
My feet are burning.

"I'll go to my room now, good--"

"You'll do no such thing" My mum glared at me.
"Not before we talk" she turned to her husband. "Go on honey, I'll be with you shortly" she kissed him.


I rolled my eyes.
He left and I stood there, in the middle of the huge sitting room, waiting for her to talk already.

"We had an agreement didn't we?" She asked. Her tone was cold, as usual

"And I told I wasn't doing it didn't I?" I yawned, while pulling my shoes.

"You embarrassed me in front of our guests. You made us stand there in awkward silence, waiting for you to do your work! Do you know how stupid I felt?"

"Mom, I didn't agree to that. You were forcing me to do what I did not want to" I said, slight rudeness in my tone.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady!"

"What do you want me to do? I always do what you want. I've always obeyed you, but it's never enough!" I yelled.


"Shut up! Shut your bloody mouth up! I will not stand her and watch you disrespect me! What do you mean it's never enough? Huh? All the money I've spent on you, the food you eat, the clothes you put on, the roof over your head, it's all me--"

"Mummy all those are material things! You have never even treated me like your child Mum!"

"Shut up! How can you say that? you ungrateful brat! I work my ass off just for you! To give you a good and comfortable life and all you can say is I have never treated you like my child? Eh? Juanita Lawal! You have some nerve!"
We were on full steam right now.
Some workers were already surrounding us.
"All of you! Get out of here! This is between Juanita and I. Go!" She yelled at them.

"You work your ass off for me?" I snorted. "You do that for yourself. Granted, you do provide for me and I appreciate that, I really do, but, like you always say, you are a career woman, a modern woman. Okay, you claim to be a good mother, but do you even know when I got my first period? Do you even know if I am sick or not? Do you even know my friends? You don't. Do you even know the class I'm in? No!! All you care about is money. and status.
What kind of mother are you??! " I yelled, louder than she had since this night.

"Okay fine!" She ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know, I don't know when you got your first period, I don't know when you are sick, I don't even know your friends, neither do I know the hell of a class you're in okay?? That is because there are people who take care of that!" She breathed.

"Yes! I am a bad mother. Maybe not every woman is meant to be a mother. Maybe I don't have time for such frivolous activities! Just leave me alone okay. I don't care anymore!" She stormed away.

I stood there in shock. Serious shock.
I had expected her to say so many things, but not so much. Not that.

"Yes! I am a bad mother. Maybe not every woman is meant to be a mother. Maybe I don't have time for such frivolous activities! Just leave me alone okay. I don't care anymore!"

'Maybe not every woman is meant to be a mother'
'I don't have time for such frivolous activities.'

Am I that worthless?

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