Chapter 34 - More Secrets

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Brenda's POV

"What did you think?" He laughs heartily. "That I'd let you leave me? Just like that?" He continues laughing.

"Brenda I don't love torturing you, but you are forcing me to. You're pushing me to the edge."
I glare at the monster who happens to be my husband, unable to speak.
"Oh darling, don't panic okay? The effects of the drugs will probably wear down, few hours from now I think" he shrugs like it means nothing to him.

Last night, when I attempted to run away from this cell he calls home, the moment I heard his voice, I knew I was doomed.
Before I could turn around to say a word, he plunged the syringe into my skin, which caused me to go limp within seconds.

This morning, I woke up to a very terrible headache.
My mouth is too parched to speak, so I just lie there, unable to say a word.

A knock comes from the door.

"Yes?" He answers, the maid demurely walks in.

"Juanita is here to see her mother" she announces.
My eyes go wide as my heart beat fastens.

What is she doing here?
She should not be here
I was kind of relieved that she had managed to run away from this stupid house.
Away from the problems in this house
Away from this monstrous beast.

"Ah! The prodigal daughter finally decided to show up." He says, while smirking at me. He turns back to the maid before continuing. "Tell her we will be there" he announces.

I can't possibly go see her in this condition, I don't even trust myself enough to walk.
He should just tell her to leave
She should leave. She shouldn't be here.
I open my mouth to talk, but all that falls out from my lips are incoherent words.

"Oh! Don't bother honey, I'll go see her myself. I don't think she'll be so happy to see you, especially not when you're like this" he chuckles, before shaking his head and walking out of the room.

Juanita's POV

I stand there, waiting for my mom, while absentmindedly admiring the flowers in the flower vase. She had bought this during our vacation in Netherlands.

My mom has always been a lover for flowers, ever since I was little.
I don't know what she fancies most about them, but it's either the flowers, their scent or the vases.

The moment I hear approaching footsteps, I quickly tear my gaze from the flowers to the approaching figure.

My face morphs into annoyance and confusion as my gaze settles on him.

My mother's husband.

"Where's my mother?" I ask, while looking around for any hint of her presence. " I don't see her anywhere"

"Tsk, Tsk! Now is that anyway to talk to your father? The one who raised you?" He asks with a smug look on his face.

"I came here to see my mom. Where's she?" I ask, totally ignoring his questions.

"Well, may I remind you that this," he waves his arm around the house. "Is my house and I decide who sees who and who doesn't" he says with so much pride.

I give the ceiling and exasperated look.

"Can you please act like a reasonable person for once in your life?" I ask.

"Hey! Mind how you talk to me, if you don't want me to disfigure that little face of yours"

"How I'd love to see you try" I square my shoulders.

"Go ahead!" I raised my brows. "Hit me and you will rot in jail!" I yell.
He stares at me on shock before her burst into a fit of laughter.

"See, this little one I raised is now threatening me?" He asks with amusement. "I'm amazed."

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