-Chapter 18-

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John's POV

-One year later-

I waited on the plane, boredom overcomming me. Finally, when the loud 'ding' sounded, everyone stood from their seats, grabbing their luggage from the small compartmants above them. I did so fast, not wanting to spend another minute on this plane.

I left the airport as fast as I could. Unfortunatly, I had to wear my uniform over here, so I could feel eyes on me, but it didn't matter much really... I just wanted to see my Sherlock again.

The taxi pulled up to the doors of 221B, my heart skipping unexpectantly. Quickly, I payed the driver and slung my not too heavy bag over my shoulder. I entered through the door to find Mrs.Hudson waiting for me with a cup of tea. She cried in excitement, and hugged the life out of me, before handing me my tea. Frankly, I was happy to see her again, but I just really wanted to see Sherlock, but I let her talk while I drank- its been too long since I heard her voice.

Once I did finnish my tea though, I thanked her and picked up my belongings, heading upstairs to hopefully find a sleepy Sherlock (seeing how it was five in the morning.)

Opening the door to the flat, I did find a sleeping Sherlock, laying on the couch- nakid. It was... strange... okay, who am I kidding, it was down right wierd, but I simply covered him up with his bed sheet, and retreated to my room to give him some sleep.

I didn't go back to sleep though, seeing as I was still on the internal clock of the military. I was surprised to find my room completely untouched- well, except for the little things, like how my bed was undressed, and obviously slept in.

I layed down on my bed, watching the shadows dance across the ceiling slowly as the time went by, and when I heard the door creak open, I kept starring at the white ceiling. Then, unexpectantly, I heard glass shatter. I looked up to see Sherlock wrapped in his bed sheet, and a broken cup of coffee at his feet.

A smile found its way to my face.

"J-John?" Sherlock asked.

I stood from the bed, walking over to the shocked Sherlock. "Hello Sherlock" I said, stepping over the mess on the floor, to wrap my arms around his body, and hug him. At first, his arms remainded at his sides, until he quickly wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into my shoulder.

"John..." he whispered quieltly. I felt his body shake from his sobs, but I didn't mind. I simply pet the back of his head, flattening his curly hair down, until it would bounce right back up when my hand left his head for a few seconds.

He broke away from me, his eyes filled with tears that dripped down his face in an adorable way.

"John..." He said again, only this time slightly louder, his voice cracking lightly.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and honestly, it was nice to see Sherlock cry tears of happiness instead of sadness.

"I'm home." I said lightly, a smile wanting to find its way to my lips, but somehow didn't.

Sherlock's smile faded lightly, before his lips met mine in a loving kiss that I will remember for a long, long time.
Honey, I'm home...

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