-Chapter 21-

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(A/N: For some reason, wattpad isn't informing you guys about the last chapter, which was a doosey. Make sure you go check that one out before you read this one.)

Sherlock's POV

After John stormed out, I felt it was best to let him get his anger out. I looked at the hole in the wall, which was right next to my smiley face. I felt terrible.

I picked up my phone from the fireplace mantle, and texted Lestrade.
Can you come over? - SH

He replied back five minutes later.
Sure, I'll be over in ten minutes.

I sighed loudly, and threw my phone on the couch, pulling my black curls in frustration and confusion. If I texted John to come over, he would make sure to come as quick as humanly possible. I know Lestrade has a job, that demands his up most attention, but...

I need to get dressed. I was still naked from last night when Lestrade...

I shook my head angrily, walking slowly to my broken room. Over the past year, I have broken a lot of things out of anger, so the room is pretty much just a collection of broken objects, a messy bed, and pictures of the good times. Slowly, I made myself to my wardrobe and removed a white button up shirt, boxers, and black pants. After putting on my clothes, I stepped into the bathroom and brushed my morning breathe away. While spitting into the sink, I heard a knock on the door. Wipingmy face with a green towel, I walked to the door and opened it to reveal Lestrade, holding two cups of coffee, giving me one.

"Hey Sherly." He said before kissing me lightly.

"Hello Lestrade." I said in a low voice. Lestrade entered, starring at the hole in the wall where John had punched in anger.

"Wow, what happened here?" He asked, sitting down on the couch, myself following his lead.

"John..." I said, looking down at my coffee.

Lestrade spit out his coffee in utter surprise, before turning to me quickly.

"He's alive?!?" He asked, more like screamed.

I nodded, before placing my coffee down on the coffee table, turning to Lestrade.

"I told him...a-about us."

Lestrade stood, and paced the living too , before stopping dead in his tracks to stare at the hole.

"And he did this?" He asked, pointng a finger to the wall, while his other hand remained on his chin in thought. I nodded, not wanting to look up from my folded hands.

He sighed, before turning towards me again.

"And I pressure he didn't take it well?"

I nodded, before standing and wrapping my arms around him, hugging him closer to my body, seeking comfort in some way for all thats happened just in the past hour.

"Your upset-" he began while placing a hand on my lower back.

"I know what could fix that..." He whispered in my ear, before his hand slid down to my butt, squeezing it tightly.

I pushed him away from me in anger.

"I don't need a sex partner Lestrade, I need a friend!" I yelled at him in disgust. We have had sex all last night, and he wants even more? I had barely any sleep last night!

He pouted, putting his hands on his hips. "Well if its a friend you need, go talk to someone else, I have no time for this bullshit." And with that, he left.

The anger was boiling up inside me, so I stormed up to John's room, and layer in his soothing sheets, taking in the smell of him. I felt tears sting my eyes, and run down my face. Soon enough, I cried myself to sleep.

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