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I arrived at the women's academy. I was practicing my instrument, with Erhi as my tutor.

"So where did Chinua get that bracelet?" I ask Erhi.

"Huh, what do you mean?" She doesn't look up.

"I saw Chinua got a brand new bracelet this week. She usually wears our ancestors' jewelry, but this had a different design."

Erhi smacks her forehead. "Oh, that shabby little thing. No idea."

"Did Taehyung give it to her?" I finally say.

She purses her lips tightly.

"It's okay. You can be honest. I won't be mad."

"Y-yeah." She stutters and looks down. "She told me it was from him."

My heart twinges.

"Oh. Well, it's nice I guess."

"Yeah," Erhi says. "If you tell Chinua, don't tell her I told you that. She's my closest friend."

I laugh. "I won't even be able to. I'm not allowed to speak to her."


I'm walking with Taehyung alongside the lake. Suga and Jin were ahead of us, probably talking about Kookie.

"So you and Chinua seem to have gotten close," I point out.

He shrugs. "Yeah. I guess."

His confirmation annoys me.

"I heard that you gave Chinua a bracelet."

He's frozen, looking like he's been caught.

I assure him. "It's okay. You can be honest."

"Yeah. It was from me." Taehyung looks down.

I snort. "Well, good thing I won't be engaged to you then."

He huffs. "Like Jimin is any better."

"Jimin at least doesn't confess his feelings towards me and then flirts with other women!" I yell. "Jimin just flirts with whoever he wants!"

He shakes his head. "I haven't been flirting, I swear. It's just that, it's just that-"

"Just that? Just that you give bracelets to any girl?" I snap.

"She's not just any girl. She's my fiance!" He counters. "Besides, it's so much more complicated than that."

"So what? Just be honest," I demand.

He looks away. "I-I can't."

I roll my eyes. "Then let me know when you can."


Jimin and I were walking alone on the balcony. Our parents suggested it would be a great way for us to know each other.

"C'mon you can't be silent for 3 hours," Jimin whines.

I smile and continue to say nothing.

"How about we go on a date? We are about to be married after all. I'll make the plans with permission from our parents!" He suggests.

I finally speak up. "Now why would I go on a date with someone who's been chasing me with a sword and calling me a mouse all over the kingdom?"

Jimin scratches his head. "Oh yeah. Sorry."

I chuckle. "Are you really sorry? Be honest."

"Fine. I'm not actually sorry."

I laugh again. Although his response wasn't ideal, at least he was being honest. Something Taehyung fails to do.

I cross my arms. "And why are you not sorry?"

Jimin steps closer. "Because I've been trying to unleash your inner beast. Your true form. Your true power."

"Huh?" Now I'm confused.

He explains, "Ever since we were kids, I was a complete jerk to you. I'll admit that. But when you were the masked Warrior, and you defeated me in the market square with all the men watching, I was angry but yet I admired that power. And when the borders opened, and I wanted to find the Warrior, I was determined to defeat you. But I wasn't able to. You're just as strong as I am, maybe even stronger."

He sighs. "And when I figured out that The Warrior and you were the same person, I realized just how foolish I was. I was so foolish for underestimating you when we were kids, underestimating you because you're a girl. I'm wrong. You have so much uncovered potential, so much more than any other man has to offer."

I'm flabbergasted. These words were really coming from my childhood bully... Someone who humiliated and tormented me for fun.. And now he's finally admitting they were wrong? It just felt like too much.

"Why are you telling me all this, now?" I question.

He shuts his eyes. "Because you need to use that power. Use that power for good. That determination, that passion, bravery... it's one of a kind."

I bitterly laugh. "My father encountered me as The Warrior. He thinks I'm weak for not being able to kill."

"I could teach you how to kill... if you want." He's behind my now, his breath on my neck.

I wanted to be a killer... So bad.

I wanted my father to be proud.

I wanted to prove my gender wasn't a limitation to what I could do.

He grabs my wrist, and I don't move.

"All you have to do is hold a sword. Then you push the sword forward, and the person will fall. They may whimper, they may cry, but just ignore it. Because after that just is sweet silence," he says.

"I-I don't think I have the capability to do that," I whisper.

His words were like a caress. "Everyone has the ability to kill, you just need to push yourself to do so. Just cut your final tie to humanity. We all have it inside us. Some call it the monster, I call it the light."

I shiver. "So you've killed people?"

"Oh, so now I've scared you." He laughs and lets go of my hand. "Just let me know when you're ready to hear more."

I'm silent, still taking in what he's said.

"I may disgust you but at least I've always been honest with my true self. Have you been honest?"

Jimin walks to the door. "I'll always be ready for our date. Just let me know when you're ready."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so what do yall think of jimin and amira in this scene 👀

also, yall know how amira's nickname when shes fighting is "the warrior"? I was thinking of slightly changing it when I finish this story and edit it.. Maybe "the masked warrior"? Idk something more original and catchy instead of just "the warrior".. Do u guys have any suggestions? Thank you :)

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