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Today was finally the day that the gates would be opened for the foreigners. For seven years, the palace gates remain closed to immigrants but now outsiders were permitted inside.

A new era has begun. Suga, Jin and I observed this spectacle from the roof of the tower, which gave us a view from above the gates.

There were families of foreign peasants and merchants begging for entrance one by one. They showed identification and explained their desires for coming into the kingdom.

Few were granted entry but many were denied.

"What happens to the families who aren't allowed to enter?" I ask.

Jin shrugs. "Some already have money so they're able to return home, peacefully. The poor ones remain refugees and continue wandering, until another kingdom permits them inside."

    "I wish everyone could come in," I solemnly say.

    Jin nods. "So do I, but there's a fear that some of the poor foreigners may cause havoc. They're stereotyped as criminals."

   "What? Who said that?" I asked.

    "The King," Suga raises his eyebrow.

    The King... said that? This cannot possibly be our king, my uncle, the leader who saved our nation. How could he say something so...prejudiced?

"Oh look, a royal family!" Jin points out.

    I was a bit thankful Jin changed the subject since I was afraid Suga might reveal something else I didn't want to know about the King. It's difficult to admit, but I wanted to remain ignorant. It hurt too much to know that my uncle said things which Suga disagreed with.

We observed a gigantic horse carriage decorated with jewels and colorful designs. There were a group of soldiers in front of, beside and behind it.

The gate instantly opened and the kingdom guards escorted the horse carriage and soldiers inside.

"Wow. Do you know what royal family that is?" I'm mesmerized by the beauty of the carriage.

"I'm unsure but I think it's the Kim family," Jin places his palm below his chin.

"Why would you say that?" Suga questions.

"Hm.. I don't know. The extravagance of the jewels decorated on their horse carriage makes me think so. My father told me the Kim family bought expensive, rare gems from him. Just seems like their style."

For another hour, we watched huge horse carriages guarded by foreign soldiers enter the palace. Apparently, all the royal families would come in at once and then the rest of the peasants would later try to gain entry into the palace.

"What royal family do you think that is?" I pointed to the biggest horse carriage that was entering the palace.

"Wow. I've never seen a horse carriage that huge," Suga noted.

"Ah, that's the Park family. They rule the wealthiest kingdom in the land-well, second wealthiest. Our kingdom comes first," Jin chuckles.

"Wow," I marvel at the huge horse carriage. There were way more soldiers guarding this family than any other horse carriage. It's clear they were richer than most.

"So do you know anything about these families?" I wondered.

Jin laughs. "Wow you're awfully curious, Aman. It's not like you're gonna meet any of them."

"Hahaha, of course not," I lied through my teeth. "But any gossip?" I questioned.

Jin shrugs. "Not that I know of."

"I know some stuff," Suga blurts out.

"Wait really? What?" I demanded to know.

     "I heard this from some workers at the palace." Suga gestures for us to come closer and we did. "Apparently The King is looking for suitors for the princess from these royal families."

     I pick my head up and roll my eyes. "Oh, come on I already knew that."

      Suga and Jin looked at me strangely. "How? I wasn't aware of this information either," Jin raises his brow.

      Shoot! This was supposed to be a secret from the palace and they have no idea I live there!

       I fumble with my words. "U-uh, I also have a friend that works as a palace worker and he told me. Just like Suga, hahahah."

     Jin and Suga don't even question further, which I was thankful for. "Alright..."

    The royal families had finally all entered the kingdom. It was getting a bit late. Jin, Suga and I waved farewell to each other and went our separate ways.

    With Chinua, I entered the palace in my grandiose, female clothes. It was time for dinner and we arrive at the table and see The King. Apparently, there's another special announcement.

    "As you know, the gates have opened and the royal families have finally arrived," The King states.

    We nod.

   "It's a bit late so they're are just sleeping. Tomorrow, we're going to be having a huge ball to formally greet them."

    We whisper among outselves. The ball will be tomorrow?

    "The Princess will be finally meeting the royals and it's highly likely she will be picking a match from one of the families."

    "Tomorrow, Chinua will be picking her husband? Already, so fast? And she will pick, not you?" I ask, quite shocked.

   Everyone at the table snorted.

   "Not immediately, Amira," my father assured me. "She'll just be getting to know everyone. But in the next few weeks with the royals here, it's highly likely she'll receive multiple proposals."

   "Oh, alright. I'm just thankful that she'll have a say in who she might marry." I look down at the table.

     "Why so down, Amira? Do you want a husband too?" My aunt picked on me.

    Everyone laughed and my cheeks turned bright red. "N-no, not at all! I'm not even close to ready."

    "Good. Then just know your place, or I'll threaten you with an engagement," my father joked.

    The whole table was in hysterics but I was just frightened of the threat. Even though he was sarcastic, I was worried there was a hint of truth to it.

    "Don't worry, Sir! I will be on my best behavior," I assured my father and the King.

    The King raises his glass up. "Great. Tomorrow at sunset, the ball shall begin!"

    The dinner ended and I returned to my bedroom early. It took me a long time to finally fall asleep because I knew that Jin was right. Everything will change now that the gates are open.

     It was selfish for me to think this, but I hoped the only major changes would be in Chinua's life-not mine.

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