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After the performance, I was alone with my parents in the garden. The foreign guests left to eat dinner and Chinua was escorted to accompany them.

My mother shakes her head, disappointed. "Why would you pretend to play the instrument?"

"I wasn't that confident at playing it so I asked Chinua to cover for me," I answer. Which wasn't a total lie.

"Well now you embarrassed all of us in front of the guests. Some of which are Chinua's potential suitors." My father sighs.

I bow. "I'm sorry I brought dishonor to this family. I will try to be better."

"You will. Starting from tomorrow you will stay hours later at the women's academy, refining your artistic skills," he instructs.

I tried my best to hide my smile. Hours later? I could hang out with Jin and Suga and battle more men on the streets. This is not punishment. This is paradise.


"And?" I ask.

"There will be monthly evaluations to see how far you've improved. How come Chinua is a prodigy in the arts meanwhile you barely know anything?" He questions.

I gulp. Guess I'll have to be at the women's academy for awhile, everyday. I can't skip classes completely.

I bow again. "Of course, sir."

"Also, I think I need to separate you and Chinua," my father declares.

"What?" I couldn't believe it. Now, he has gone too far!

"Only temporarily." My father assures me. "You girls have been out of control lately, especially with this stunt you pulled tonight. The King and I agreed this would be a proper punishment for both of you. If you show improvement in behavior, then you both may resume your friendship again."

"But how will we go to the women's academy to learn when we can't interact? We share a classroom," I reasoned.

He says, "There will be separate classrooms for each of you. If you both are caught speaking, we will extend and worsen your punishment."

"But father!"

"No buts. Now go to your room," he commands. I look towards my mother for sympathy and she instructs me to do the same.

I walk in defeat back to my bedroom. Chinua was the only part of my royal life I actually felt authentic with, and now I ruined it for us both. I was only good at ruining things lately. When would I be a source of pride for anyone?


"Wow, I didn't know royal people had problems." Suga purses his lips.

"Yeah, but they're not like yours," I assured him.

The next day, I finished my lessons early at Haden's academy. Suga, Jin and I are walking around the lake to cool down after the class. Later, I planned to go to the women's academy in the late evening to catch up on today's lesson.

I should stay at the women's academy everyday especially because of what happened yesterday, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't abandon my friends. I couldn't abandon what I was passionate about.

"Eh. They're definitely not physical problems like finding your meal to prevent your family from starving. But... what you're going through... is definitely emotionally exhaustive," Suga sympathized.

I sigh. "I'm thankful for my life, but in some ways I feel so restricted. Thanks for understanding. It's so nice to have a let out."

"So we're the first people to know about your double life- well uh, triple identity?" Jin questions.

I look towards the lake. "Yeah. Joon figured out I was The Warrior a few months ago, but he kept it quiet. I told him I was a royal female though, a day after I told you guys."

"Why?" Suga asks.

"Because I'm tired of keeping secrets from my friends. It's not fair to me and it's not fair to them."

"Then why don't you tell-I still can't believe your cousins with someone so important- Chinua?" Suga wonders.

"I should. I promised her I would... but... I'm scared she won't let me leave the women's academy, everyday," I honestly answer.

"And why's that?"

"Chinua's always been really protective and thinks of me as her own sister... I lied to her that I skip artistic lessons for horseback riding. If she found out I was battling men on the streets and I dueled with death and imprisonment everyday, I don't know what she'll do. She's someone who supports my freedom but also has common sense."

"Well, we support whatever decision you make. But she does have a right to know, regardless." Suga advises. "I know I would've liked to have known from the beginning."

I purse my lips. "You're right. Just as soon as I'm allowed to speak with her again... I think I'll tell her everything."

Jin smiles. "You're doing the right thing, Amira. I'm proud of you."

I widen my eyes. "Y-you are?"

Jin places his hands on his hips. "Yeah! You've been keeping all these secrets for years, you adjusted to Haden's academy despite never training as a kid, you act amazingly well at the palace to prevent people from having suspicions... You're incredible!"

Suga nods in agreement. "Dude, sorry, I mean Dudette- I would have not been able to handle that stress. You deserve more credit."

"I can't believe you guys think that way."

My parents say I'm embarrassing, everyone at the palace thinks I'm not talented, the students at the academy call me a cheater... and yet my best friends are proud of me. Even after I lied to them for so long.

"Of course we do!" Jin smiles and Suga grins alongside him. I am so lucky.

"Well, you guys are even more awesome! Here's an extended list why! First off, you are amaJin-"

"Aman, wait! Now is not the time!" Jin raises his hand to stop me.

"And why would that be?" I groan.

"Look!" He points towards the path behind him. I turn around and I'm shocked, in disbelief.

He's right. What I was saying could wait.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: fast updateeeee what do u guys think/want to happen? i always enjoy ur responses <3

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