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"Real class?" My eyes widen. So the baking we just did.. that wasn't the actual main class..?

The instructor snorts. "Duh. Now follow me."

The kids push the center table of the room and pull the rug to the right. Underneath the rug, there was a secret latch door. The instructor opens the door, goes inside and the boys all follow behind him.

Should I go down there? Or is too risky?

Another instructor pats his hand on my back, gesturing for me to go down. A few of the students await eagerly for me to go in there. I gulped. Guess I don't have a choice.

I climb down the ladder and find what I expected all along. Of course this wasn't actually a bakery.

There were sparring tools everywhere. There was an uncanny resemblance to how it was at the fighting academy. Except a bit different as well. Somehow, the weapons here look more... dangerous.

"What are you waiting for? Begin!" One of the instructors growled.

The boys lined up at different stations. I stand for a few seconds, until I decided I'd join the longest line in the room. And of course, the furthest from Tae.

I observed what's going on in my surroundings. I see one of the taller boys grab a bow and arrow. Tae walks a few feet ahead of him and places an apple on top of his head.

The boy shoots the arrow and my eyes widen. The arrow was not gonna hit the apple, but instead, pierce Tae's chest! I'm about to yell, when Tae steps forward and grabs the arrow in his hand before it touches him.

How the hell?! The boy who cried when Chim hit him and says violence is barbaric, just stepped in front of an arrow and caught it? Do I even know Tae at all?

"Jochi, it's your turn!" Some kid calls out to me.

"Oh, uh sure. Cool. What are we doing?" I was so focused on Tae, I forget the rest of my surroundings.

"What you're in line for... dueling with scimitars. Duh," the dark, shaggy haired boy shakes his head.

    Scimitars? I've definitely done used them at the academy. I was pretty mediocre but I was improving fast. Hmm, maybe I won't totally fail at this.

      I stand on a mat where the kids gestured for me to go. The person I was dueling was getting the scimitars so I looked around for Tae. Where could he possibly be...

      "Here ya go," the kid I'm dueling states. I look towards him and my stomach drops.

"Wh-why are scimitars made of steel? Where's the wooden scimitars?" My eyes dart back and forth between the gigantic scimitars in his hands.

"Nobody uses wooden scimitars in the real world, Jochi..." the kid snorts.

One of the instructor calls out to me, "Are you and Kookie gonna start the battle or what?"

Kookie? That's Suga's brother's name. I'm gonna be dueling with Suga's brother!

I grab the scimitar from Kookie's hands, which was a lot heavier than it appeared. I only held a steel scimitar twice at the fighting academy, but we wore armor to protect ourselves. There was no armor available here.

Cowardly Warrior | Taehyung ✔Where stories live. Discover now