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After the battle, I went to an alley barely anyone ever went to. I awaited for the exhilaration of the fight to leave my body and catch my breath. I also needed to hide myself for a half hour because I knew people would be looking for me.

I finally went to a local tailor and bought one of the cheapest outfits available. I was able to persuade the tailor to change in a small room. I removed my light blue robes and put on some brown ones with a different matching scarf.

I kept my head low and traveled to the back of the women's academy. Finally, I climbed the back fence and entered the room Chinua and the servant were in.

"Amira you finally came! A bit late, aren't we," Chinua teased me.

I wipe the sweat of forehead with my sleeve. "I'm sorry. I had, uh, a lot going on."

      She doesn't question much further. "It's okay, we anticipated this to happen so we made sure the guards picked us up an hour after the class ended."

I quickly change into my female robes. We finally exit the building and sit in the horse carriage awaiting outside.

     We arrive at the kingdom, bathe in the washrooms and change again. Chinua and I decide to play outside before dinner.

      Tae runs up towards us. "Guys, the most incredible thing happened today!"

        I pretend to not know what he's talking about. "What is it, Tae?" I asked.

"So Chim was ready to give me the beating of my life in the middle of the marketplace, but someone stepped into save me!" He shrieks excitedly.

       Amira raised her eyebrows. "Who?"

      "This Warrior Guy-ugh I don't even know what his name is- but he was masked like a bandit and fought Chim and the other guys from the academy! And he WON!" Tae chattered.

      "Wow, that's unbelievable," I said in the most monotone voice I could use.

Chim interrupts us and steps into our circle. "Yeah, it was unbelievable. But guess what's gonna happen next time I see him?"

"What?" I meekly asked.

"He's gonna die." Chim put his hand across his throat and gestured like someone's neck was gonna be slit.

"B-but you promised him you wouldn't be cruel anymore," Tae gulped.

"And so what? Promises were meant to be broken. Besides, the battle wasn't even fair. I was exhausted from training at the academy all day, meanwhile that guy was probably sitting all day in a tree, doing God knows what. I was tired meanwhile he didn't use all his energy."

I snorted. The irony of this situation was too funny. The guy he was referring to was me. And I'm not even a guy-I'm a girl. I was training all day in the same academy too. And I still beat Chim's ass.

         "What's so funny, Amira?" Chim walked closer to me and sneered. He lowered his head so we were eye level.

           "Oh, nothing.." I lowered my eyes and suppressed my giggles.

       "Good. I wouldn't be so loud if I were you... this warrior guy seems to be a dangerous killer. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a trained assassin."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, brother..."

       "Stop making up stupid conspiracy theories. Just accept the fact someone around our age beat you!" Tae exclaimed.

      "I will... Once he's dead," Chim snapped. He walked away and the rest of his crew followed.

       Tae sighed. "Well, at least he left." He shrugged.

       I chuckled. "Chim is getting more delusional and weird by the day..."

      Chinua nodded. "He needs some milk!" We all laughed.

After that day, we became the Three Musketeers again. After the training time, we'd all hang out with each other like we used to. I stopped ignoring Tae. Chinua and Tae never asked why I stopped talking to Tae for months- I guess they were glad things were normal again.

I was glad too- sure I felt betrayed that Tae lied to me about skipping training, but I'm sure he had good reason to. He hated barbaric fighting- the training probably made him nauseous. And the "fighting techniques" he taught me worked- perhaps he's not as useless as I initially perceived.

I should also ask about why Tae skipped his training, but then Chinua and Tae would question how I even know. Then I'd have to explain what I've been doing these past months... I decided I'd reveal my secrets to Tae first.

       Tae and I were stargazing at our usual hill at night. Chinua had left early. This was the perfect time to reveal everything. It's now or never.


     "Yeah, Amira?"

       "I need to tell you something..." I fumbled with my thumbs.


         "A secret and a question."

       Tae turned towards me. "Wow, what a coincidence. I also have a secret. And a question."


      Tae rested his head against his arm when he was lying down. "Yeah... but I don't know if I can tell you today."

     I raised my eyebrow. "And why not?"

     Tae looked away. "It's a really big secret. It'll reveal a lot about me... and I don't know if you're ready for it."

     Now, I was really curious.

      I grabbed his arm. "Tell me!!! Please," I pouted.

      Tae smirked, mischievously. "Alright. In three days."

      "Three days?" I raised my eyebrow.

      "Yeah, I just need to figure stuff out right now... but in three days, I'll tell you everything. Everything you're curious about. I'll tell you my secrets and you'll tell yours. I'll ask you questions and you'll ask yours."

      I smiled. "Okay, three days."

      Tae stuck out his pinky and I interlocked mine with his.

      "I'll reveal all my secrets in three days on this hill. At exactly this time. I promise."

I gazed into his eyes and he didn't even blink. I finally looked away, because I was getting flustered. I could feel my face getting red and I hoped he wouldn't noticed.

I wonder what his secret was...I had multiple secrets besides me taking Tae's place in the academy and having the identity of the Warrior. One of my secrets was my huge crush on him. I wonder if he knew... I wonder if he also had a crush on me. Was this one of his secrets he was withholding from me?

I finally let go of his pinky, because any more physical contact would make my heart leap out of my chest.

"Alright I gotta go, Tae. See you," I shyly waved and finally got up.

Tae grabbed my hand, refusing to let go.

"Wait Amira, I do have a secret I can let you know right now."

My heart felt like it was about to explode and implode at the same time. "What is it Tae?" I asked.

"One of my secrets is... you make me really happy. And I missed your presence in my life for so long."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorta a short update. but I wanted to put something up lmaoo. Hope ya enjoyed this cheesy chapter 🧀

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