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        "Stop him! Get the Warrior!"

I'm running down a dark alley and guards of the palace are chasing me. I don't know what I did to provoke them but I had to keep running. I had to escape to save my life.

Palace guards surround me from both sides. I was trapped.

     "You have no where else to go," a palace guard sneers.

He places a sword against my throat. "Drop your weapons."

Seeing as I had no choice, I drop my steel staff at once.

"Please spare me," I beg, with clear desperation in my voice.

"That's not for me to decide." The palace guard rips my mask off and my face is completely exposed.

"Do you know him?" The palace guard looks behind my shoulder. I turn around and I see the person I feared the most. The King.

The King nods, not being able to say a word. From beside him, someone else calls out. "It's not a him. It's a her."

My eyes widen upon recognition with who it is. "Father..."

"Do you honestly think you have the right to call me Father? It's Sir and will always be Sir to you, Amira or shall I call you The Warrior. How many identities do you even have?" My father shakes his head with fury and mocks me.

My knees fall to the ground and I bow towards him. "Please spare me, sir!"

My father laughs alongside the King. "Spare you? Do you even think you have the right to beg after fooling the entire kingdom? You're a criminal pretending to be a man and escaped the palace."

I shake my head. "I know what I did was wrong but I had no choice! I-I felt so trapped within the palace walls-"

"Even I know how trapped you felt, but I never thought you'd do something this awful," a feminine voice calls out. I look up and see my cousin, Chinua.

Chinua bows and apologizes. "I am so sorry, Uncle. I always knew she left the women's acadamy but never have I imagined she'd do something so heinous."

My father laughs. "It's not your fault. It's clear we know who was at wrong. Off with her head!" he instructs the palace guards.

"You're gonna allow them to kill me? But I'm your daughter!" I cry out, not understanding this scary situation unfolding. Nobody was supposed to find out I was The Warrior. Especially my family.

My father sneers, unaplogetically. "From the day you decided to pose as a male street rat, you lost the privilege of being my daughter. The royal rules don't apply to you. And now you shall face the consequences like a peasant."

My father inspects my face for a few seconds before spitting on me. "Now, kill her."

One of the palace guards pushes my back and someone else ties my hands. Another slowly moves the sharp sword closer and close to my throat.

I'm begging for forgiveness but my father's chuckles were louder and drowned my bloody screams.

"Please don't!" I cry out, my chest was pounding, tears spilling from my cheeks. I open my eyes and see the darkness envelop me.

I was not outside the palace walls. Instead I was in my bedroom and it was an hour before sunrise.

      It was all a dream.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve and clasp my chest. I was thankful it was all a dream, but I knew there was underlying meaning.

      That dream was a representation of my subconscious and what I feared every single day but I was scared to confront. Revealing my true male identities to anyone frightened me because they may tell other people and I'll get in huge trouble.

Cowardly Warrior | Taehyung ✔Where stories live. Discover now