Chapter 6.1

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King Ravi's Log - The Persian King And His Army

22 January, 2015.

Tehran, Iran.


"I need some water. Where are you taking me?" I asked the guard who was holding one of my chained arms rather tightly.

"Shut up." He said with a thick Arabian accent.

"Where's Tahir?"

"One more word out of your mouth-"

"You don't understand. I have some information for Tahir that-"

He punched me twice in the gut. That silenced me for a while.

It was a long walk along the corridors of holding cells where many people were imprisoned. The cells were made up of glass walls. Each had a single bed and nothing else. Several uniformed men stood in front of some of the cells. I assumed they were magicians. Once a prisoner was carried away he was never returned to the cell he was in. This made me more scared than you could imagine. One was taken away every five hours and a replacement brought in seven hours after the cell was emptied; on average. I had been locked up for a whole day.

The guard led me to the same elevator that had brought me to that floor. He punched a button that brought us to the basement. When the elevator door opened, I was greeted with the sight of a queue. It was made up of some prisoners that I had seen leave before me. At first I thought they were in line to get some food. But when I saw Tahir with two other people at the front, all hopes vanished.

All prisoners in the queue were accompanied by guards holding them. We got in line and my view of the front of the queue was cut off.

"What's your name?" I asked the guard holding me.

"You don't need to know." He snapped at me.

"Well, I'll give you a name if you don't mind."

The guard remained silent.

"What do you think of 'Cobbleburn'? Nah. Too uptight. How does 'Bob' sound? 'Bob Willie'?" I continued as we kept moving up the queue.

Suddenly a woman prisoner near the front of the queue started running towards the elevator. She broke her handcuffs as if they were made out of threads. What strength! Her guard chased her down and knocked her out after three powerful and precise blows to her head. The sound of his fist hitting her echoed throughout the room. He carried her back towards Tahir.

"What are they doing up there, Bob?" I asked my guard.

"You'll know when we get to the front." He smiled menacingly.

"But I am very curious. Can't you tell me now? It's not like I am going anywhere, Bob." I argued.

"That is the initiation ceremony to join the army."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Hey, you two. Shut up. Don't you see the sign there." The guard in front of us whispered to us.

I turned my head to the wall he pointed to and sure enough there was a sign.

It read "No talking while in queue."

What is this place? What have I gotten myself into?

We neared the front of the queue. Tahir was just standing there with his arms folded looking like a fool. His two companions were wearing white lab coats. The guy was holding a silver gun like device in his hand while the woman was standing beside him with a small cardboard box. The guy held the device to the solar plexus of the prisoner in front of me and pulled the trigger.

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