Chapter 2.2

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King Ravi's Log - Day 3 After Awakening Powers

9 January, 2015
MV, California

I was headed towards a very unwelcoming place, the dining table in my home. My dad was having breakfast at that moment and I hadn't talked to him for a month now. I had avoided him as much as I could while living under the same roof, his roof. I could avoid him further if I wanted to, but now I was backed up in a corner. I sat down opposite him.

Mom had made 'Poha' today, another Indian dish that was my favorite. Dad put his spoon down and looked at me with a poker face. My dad was a healthy guy, with a moustache and cropped greying hair. He stood as tall as me at 5' 11, or rather I stood as tall as him.

"Good morning, Dad!" I said cheerfully with a big smile on my face.
My dad folded his arms. He was giving nothing away from his expression. Why do parents make things so difficult?
"I wanted to go back to India for a few weeks and visit Grandma!"
He still didn't utter a word. The tension in my legs was so much that I was bouncing them under the table on my toes. He looks like he is gonna explode any minute. Better keep it short.
"I'll be back soon. I just needed some money." I smiled.
"You are not getting more money from me. How about getting a job? ha, Ravi? You have been jobless for 2 months now. You graduated 6 months ago! You had a job and you quit it. And you are not even trying to get a new one. You ran out of 4 months worth of savings in 2 months? You haven't talked to me in ages and now when you do you ask for money. No 'How are you, Dad?', no 'Sorry for not talking to you, Dad'. You stay out with Dan most of the time and when he is at work, you stay cooped up in your room, playing those cursed video games of yours." He paused to breathe. "Have I raised you to be so irresponsible? Your inaction is award-worthy!"

I closed my eyes. This could go on a while. My parents could rant for hours.

"Are you listening to me?" He almost yelled.
"Yeah, Dad. I know you are right. I shouln't have avoided you. I am sorry. But, I haven't been sitting idle. I have been looking for a job after I quit that 'Hell inc.'. I just haven't found the right job for me. I learnt from the last one that I need a job in which I feel needed. I have to know if I am making a difference or not." I calmly replied.
"Difference to whom? You want to be a game designer. What difference does that make in the world? At least you were honing your coding skills at your last job and earning money while at it. So what if that company didn't develop games?" My dad argued.

That was a sore topic for me. It was my time to rant.

"Games make a lot of difference, Dad! Did you know that there are about 700 million PC gamers in the world? Did you know that those people spend 3 billion hours in total every week playing video games? You are from an older generation, you wouldn't know. Games to these people is not a waste of time. Games do not contribute to any economic output. But Games have lot of power. They provide an escape into a whole another world. They trigger emotions in gamers like optimism, determination and curiosity. A sense of wonder! You would know me much better if you played multiplayer with me!" I was on the verge of tears.

My dad got up from his seat, came over and hugged me.
"I am just worried about you, that's all, beta...You can go to India if you want. But I am still not giving you any money." He laughed after releasing me. He ruffled my hair a bit.
"That's ok, Dad. I will manage somehow. Thanks for reminding me about my passion."
I got up and went back to my bedroom.

As I flopped down on my bed with phone in hand, two Holos appeared. Holos didn't surprise me anymore. I was getting used to them. The first one read, "Exp Gain: 20". The second one was rather unusual,

"Status Effect: Father's Blessing. The Gamer take 30% less damage from all physical attacks. All future Exp gains are double. Effect removed if not in contact with Father once a week."

Me after reading the first three sentences: Yo! Me after reading the last sentence: Oh Come on!

I decided to call Dan and tell him everything. I needed to tell someone about this or I would go insane.


Author's note: This chapter was full of feels. Now you know a little about what drives Ravi! Hope you liked the chapter! If you did, vote and comment :) Until next chapter - Phenil

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