Chapter 11.0

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Author's Note: Long Chapter, grab some pop corn or ice cream and enjoy! :)


King Ravi's Log -


23.406152, 25.658998

Sahara Desert, New Valley Governorate, Egypt.

March Equinox. 21 March, 2015.

1:30 P.M.


"Which one do you wanna read?" Dan asked me from his front row seat in the SUV Jeep we were riding. He was holding several newspapers in his hands as he looked back at me.

"Which ones do you have?" I asked from my seat beside Lucie in the middle row. Although the SUV was a seven seater, only five of us were seated inside. Aditya was driving, Markos slept in the third row and Yadav was sitting on the roof. Don't ask."We have The Pigeon, Ion India and Bharat Express." he said as he shuffled them in his hands.

"Pass me the Pigeon. And the 'T' in Bharat is said with an acute accent." I informed him.


Lucie beside me was reading one of her girly magazines, 'Vogue'. I had gotten so used to being alone with her, that being with her in front of other people felt awkward. We had trained together in the basement of my palace using what I call micro-elastic dimensions. My very first original technique. All while Markos maintained a normal-macro-elastic dimension. Five of my men were stationed at Markos' home to maintain a plastic dimension and guard it. Contrary to my initial understanding any physical matter including people can enter and leave the Macro Elastic dimension as they please. That explained Markos not using an elastic dimension in battle, since bullets, fire et al. could enter it. Although my official age was 22 years and two months, my real age was 23 years and two months.

I had trained a year with her, just the two of us. To annoy her, I started reading the newspaper out loud. The article on the front page was about Antarctica. It was the 'Hot Topic' on every news channel and newspaper in the world.

"Antarctica Goes Dark" I said out loud. "It has been nearly two months now that all contact with Antarctica has been cut-off. We are 'in the dark' about what's happening there. As the sun sets today, Antarctica will go 'dark', both literally and figuratively. The President of the United States has expressed his..." Lucie snatched the paper away from me.

"Je vais le lire pour toi (I'll read it for you.)" She said while pinching me in the thigh and smiling.

"Aïe! Désolé Tempête!(Ow! Sorry Storm!)" I cried out. I often referred to her as Storm when she got violent. I was also learning a bit of French so that I didn't have to change the language settings every now and then

"The President of the United States" Lucie read in her tantalizing accent, "has expressed his support to the families of the people trapped in Antarctica. Although the situation seems hopeless, he has urged the global community not to despair. 'Our scientists are working day and night to figure out a way to reach Antarctica.' he said in a press conference yesterday. Upon being asked the progress made by the government, he choose not to comment. Scientists are baffled as to why any form of transport is not able to reach Antarctica. 'It's like it has vanished from the face of the earth. Forget the geo-stationary satellites, even magnetic compasses are not working.' Julia Wilkins said, professor and Physics researcher at MIT. Prof.Wilkins' brother Arthur is currently trapped in Antarctica while researching the animal life there. The period from September to March, when there's six months of sunlight in Antarctica is the only period of the year when such extensive research is possible. Today is the March Equinox, after which there's six months of night."

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