Chapter Seventeen

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"Wait we would have to go h-home?" I ask in fear of returning home. I think of all the shit I'll have to go through when I return home, school and my life at home.

"You don't have to but that's the best way for your friend to get better. Basically it's stay here and let her get worse or go home and let her get better," the doctor says. I really hate this guy.

"I think the second choice is the best. I don't know about you guys but I would like to live," Marie says.

"Well I believe my work here is done. Goodbye you all," the doctor says. He gets up and exits the room. Once he leaves, I run over to Sebastian.

"I-I can't go home," I say hugging Sebastian. I feel tears forming but hold them back.

"It's okay my lady," Sebastian says hugging me and rubbing my back.

"I hate to do this but Lady Marie and Lady Skye the best thing is for you two to return home," Ciel says in a sad tone. He looks like he's about to cry. Marie starts to hug Ciel. I see tears in her eyes too.

"Wait how would we even get home?" Marie asks.

"I think tomorrow there is a ship sailing to America. That gives you two the rest of the day here," Sebastian says.

"No that won't work," I say.

"Why not my lady?" Sebastian asks me.

"You're going to think I'm crazy but we are not from this time period. We're from the 21st century. I know tags sounds crazy but it's true," I tell them still hugging Sebastian.

"Then how did you come here? I'm so confused," Ciel asks.

"Well I'm not 100% sure," I say.

"Well that's helpful. Maybe Undertaker knows something. Sebastian pull the carriage around so we can go to the Undertaker's," Ciel says.

"Yes my lord," Sebastian says then leaves the room.

"Okay so what exactly is 21st century like?" Ciel asks Marie and I as we head to the Undertaker's shop.

"Okay I guess. Lots of technology and selfies," Marie says laughing a bit.

"What is a selfie?" Ciel asks confused at our 21st century language. I begin to laugh.

"It's where you take a picture of yourself," Marie says.

"Oh okay," Ciel says still a bit confused.

The carriage stops and Sebastian opens the door. Ciel exits first then helps Marie out. The Sebastian helps me out. We enter the Undertaker's shop.

"Hello Earl Phantmohive. Is today I finally get to fit you for one of me coffins? Hehe," Undertaker says walking up to us.

"No. We need your help with something," Ciel says.

"Well you know my price. Give me laughter and I'll tel you what ever you want," Undertaker says. "The question is who will give my sweet laughter toady."

"I....know....something," I say laughing so hard I can barely finish the sentence. "But I need Marie to help me."

"Oh god Skye are you serious?!" Marie says looking at me. She places her hand over her face.

"Ooo I want to know hehe," Undertaker says.

"Okay Sebastian and Ciel leave so we can make him laugh," I say.

"Fine. Sebastian come with me," Ciel says as he opens the door.

"Yes my lord," Sebastian says as they leave the shop.

"HAHAHHAHA!" Undertaker laughs.

Sebastian and Ciel come back in the shop. They must have heard Undertaker's loud laughing.

"What the fuck did you two do?!" Ciel ask looking at us. We look so messed up.

"Oh my you two. This was better then the first time you made me laugh. I still can't believe..." Undertaker says still laughing.

Sebastian walks up behind me. "What did you do?" he whispers in my ear.

"Just forget it," I tell Sebastian.

"Okay Undertaker we did our part now it's your turn," Marie says.

"Okay what do you need to know?" Undertaker asks.

"Well it's going to sound crazy but we need to return home. In the 21st century," I say.

"Oo I can I help," Undertaker says as he pulls out a big book. "Here this is what you need to do. First Miss Marie and Skye place your hands on top of each other's. Then say these words. Here I'll write them down so you can take them with you if you ever plan on coming back. Lastly think of the place you want to return to. Then you're good."

"Okay thank you Undertaker," Marie and I say.

"Okay Skye you ready to return home?" Marie asks me.

"I guess so," I say sadly.

"Come back soon," Sebastian says as he kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I say smiling.

"Marie stay safe and come see me soon. I love you," Ciel says as he kisses Marie.

"I love you too Ciel. I'll be back soon," Marie says.

"Okay you ready?" I ask.

"Yes. We should return to your house," Marie says as she places her hand over mind.

"Okay yeah," I say.

We say the thing and the world goes black like it did when we first came here. When I open my eyes I see my room.

"We're home," Marie says.

"Marie your mom is here to pick you up," my mom yells. Time must have paused when we enter their world.

"Okay I'm coming," Marie says as she grabs her bags.

"Everyday after school we should meet up in the park or my house or something and go visit them," I say.

"Yes! See you tomorrow at school," Marie says as she leaves.

"Bye," I say waving to her.

Everyday after school we met up and went to see Ciel and Sebastian. Until one day something terrible happened.
A/N: Cliffhanger! Ahh I'm sorry. Anyways this is the final chapter in this book but don't worry I'm making a second book that starts where this left off. I should have it up soon. I would live for you all to read it. Anyways bye love you all. She you all in my next book. Hopefully I can have it up tomorrow at the earliest.

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