Chapter Twelve

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I shoot up from my bed. I haven't a nightmare in awhile, so having one got me by surprise.

"Everything okay?" I hear a voice ask. I look up and see Claude standing at the end of my bed.

"I'm fine you damn spider. Why is it when ever I'm here you have to near me?" I ask laying back on my bed.

"Why is that...oh yes it's your soul. The scent makes me hungry. It reminds of my master's. I just want to feast on you," Claude says.

"Wow Claude could to you get any creepier? I mean for real you don't go telling people you want to eat them," I say giving him a mean look.

"Do you have a problem with me or something? You always talk meanly to me and give me mean looks. It's not because I'm demon. If that was the case you wouldn't fancy Sebastian. So why do you hate me?" Claude asks pinning me down on my bed.

"Because you're fucked up! You tell everybody how you want to eat them. Sebastian at least can control his hunger but you can't. You can't do anything. Marie may think you're okay but I hate you. Now let me go!" I yell trying to get out of his grip.


"W-what on earth happened here?!?" Ciel asks looking up at his manor that is falling apart.

"Young master! Mister Sebastian!" the servants yell running up to Ciel and Sebastian. "That angel named Ash came to the manor and started burning it up."

"Great just what we needed to come home to. Wait where is Lady Marie?" Ciel asked worried.

"I told her and Lady Skye to run out of the manor. It was the only way to save them. I'm sorry!" Finny says starting to cry.

"Where did they run off to?" Sebastian asks looking at this pocket watch. "At this rate lunch will be delayed. I can't have that happen."

"I'm not sure where they went. I just told them to run. They ran through the woods I think," Finny says.

"Sebastian we must find Lady Marie," Ciel says looking up at his butler.

"Also Lady Skye. Just because you love Lady Marie does not mean you can forget the other guest," Sebastian says.

"For the last fucking time I do not love her! This is an order Sebastian find our guests. Bring me with you," Ciel says taking his eye patch off.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian says bowing. He picks up Ciel bridal style as he runs through the runs through the woods super fast.

"I believe they are here," Sebastian says placing Ciel down on his feet.

"Oh great. Let's get this over with," Ciel says walking up to the entrance of the Trancy manor.


"Claude we have guest," Alois says entering my room. He doesn't seem to notice that Claude still has me pinned down on my bed.

"Get your dirty hands off her!" Sebastian says entering my room.

"Sebastian!!" I yell happily.

"She's mine now," Claude says with a devilish smirk.

"Damn you sure do know to piss me off. Sebastian help me!" I say.

I feel Claude's grip get stronger as Sebastian walks over to us. Sebastian walks over and punches Claude. He falls to the ground, releasing my arms.

"I'm the only one who gets to have her," Sebastian says helping me up.

"Now if you guys are done playing around we should check on Marie," Ciel says standing outside of the door to my bedroom.

"Follow me I'll show you her room," I say walking out of the room.


"Marie!" Ciel says running over to Marie in the bed. "I'm glad to see you are okay."

"See my lord I told you she would be okay. All he's been talking about was if she was okay," Sebastian tells me.

"D-did not!" Ciel says blushing.

I began to laugh. "Ciel just admit you love her already." I say still laughing.

"I do not you damn girl!" Ciel yells still blushing. "Sebastian lets go home."

"Yes my lord," Sebastian says.

Once we arrive at the manor, Sebastian fixes it.

"Marie I hope you like your new room," Ciel says looking at Marie who is laying in a new beautiful bed and room Sebastian built.

"I even made the bed bigger then before so you could sleep with her at night," Sebastian says with a smile.

"Sebastian!!! Shut up!" Ciel yells. His face starts to become bright red all over.

"Lady Skye I also did the same with your bed for you and I," Sebastian says turning to me.

"Umm okay," I say blushing. Why does he feel he has to announce this.

"BASSY!" I hear someone yell as the door opens. I look and see Grell.

"What now Grell?" Sebastian asks annoyed.

"I'm hear working. After that I'm free for you dear Bassy. Now how about a kiss?" Grell asks running up to Sebastian. Sebastian pushes him down.

"No thank you. Wait what do mean working?" Sebastian asks concerned. Oh no you don't mean...

"I'm here for a girl named Marie Knight. She's next on the to die list," Grell says opening his book up.

I fall over on the ground and totally lose it. I start sobbing like crazy. "NO NOT MARIE I CAN'T LOSE HER!" I yell.

"Wait you mean my Marie is next to die?" Ciel asks standing in shock. He grabs Marie hand. "I... don't want her to die."

Then I through my tears I look up at Ciel who was sobbing as well.

A/N: Hello my beauties! I hope I didn't make you too sad or mad in that last part. It will get better don't worry my pretties. I plan on having the next chapter up today as well. Also sorry if this chapter was kinda short. I had to write it on my phone because my computer isn't working so I don't how many words I typed. Anyways thank you for reading my book and commenting and voting! I love you all.

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