Chapter Two

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"Lady Knight, my master was wondering if you would kindly join us for dinner downstairs," Sebastian says standing outside of my room with Skye next to him.

"I would love to. Thank you Sebastian," I respond. I join them as we make our way downstairs to the dinning room. I can't believe I get to eat with Ciel Phantomhive. This is like my wildest dream come true.

"CIELLLLL!!!!!" I hear someone with a high pitch voice scream. Oh lord it's Lizzie. My dream is turning into a nightmare.

We get downstairs and Sebastian induces us to Lizzie.

"Lady Knight your dress is cute. I love it," Lizzie says with a huge smile on her face. "It's so nice to meet you Lady Knight and Lady Daye."

I look over and see Skye with an annoyed look. I know she hates her last name.

"Will you be joining us for dinner?" Ciel asks Lizzie. I kinda hope she doesn't so I can get to know Ciel.

"I would love to," she says very happily.

"Very good. Sebastian get dinner ready. I will take our guest to the table," Ciel says. I can tell he's a little annoyed with Lizzie. He must have not expected it.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian says to Ciel. I look at Skye and see her smiling a bit. I know she loves hearing Sebastian talk. Sebastian exits the room and we follow Ciel into the dining room.

When we get there Sebastian already has dinner ready. Skye and I are not surprised since we both know he is a hella awesome daemon.

Lizzie sits next to Ciel. Skye and I sit across them. Luckily Skye lets me sit across Ciel since she knows I love him.

"Tonight for dinner we have Beef Donburi. I hope it's to your liking my lord and ladies," Sebastian says handing out the plates full of food. I can't believe I get to eat some of Sebatian's cooking. I know Skye is so happy. I notice her smile and eating a lot. I've never seen her do that before. even at school she doesn't eat much. The food must be very good if she is eating so much.

We all talk for a while and get to know each other a little more. Even Sebastian joined in and listened to the conversation.

"Oh, Ciel I almost forgot, I won't ba able to come to the ball tomorrow. That's why I came here. I wanted to tell you so you won't worry," Lizzie told Ciel, "I'm dearly sorry. I was so looking forward to dancing with you."

"It's okay," Ciel says. I can tell he is somewhat glad she is not coming. Probably because now he doesn't have to dance.

"Ciel," Skye starts to say. Oh no what is she about to say. "I bet Marie would enjoy being your partner for the ball since Lizzie can't show up."

"That would be good. My lord what do you think?" Sebastian says to Ciel. We are all looking at him now.

"Um, that would be fine since I don't have anyone else to dance with," Ciel says. I start to blush. I didn't think he was actually going to say yes.


Later after dinner Sebastian takes us up to our rooms.

"Good night Lady Knight. I will bring you some dresses to chose from tomorrow for the ball. I will talk to my master to see what he recommends," Sebastian tells me. I still can't believe I get to dance with him.

"Thank you Sebastian," I say with a big smile.

Sebastian leaves to take Skye to her room. I fall over on my bed and start smiling so much.

Maybe this going to end up as a dream like I thought, I think to myself as I go to bed. I looking forward to tomorrow.

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